sowjin 🌙

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a/n ; in this story, jin and sojung is married ok bye. sowjin fans enjoy~ picture has got nothing to do w the storyline and i hope you enjoy. don't forget to vote :) pic creds ; @/sowjinism on insta

    "oppa, i swear it was just-" "no, don't lie to me sowon i know-" "oppa," "kim sojung i know you still love him! i know what i saw! my eyes won't lie to me!" he interrupted and shouted to me. what? i just hugged my ex fiance, a friendly, goodbye hug. what is wrong with him? "what are you talking about?" i said in my dialect. i do it when i'm getting pissed at him. "you didn't even confront me then you're getting pissed at me? what is wrong with you?" i shouted at him. "don't you dare speak to me in that manner," he said. i felt a stinging sensation on my cheek as jin slapped me.

    i held my cheek, not accepting what had just happened. this is the first time jin ever laid his hands on me. jin's face also showed that he was shocked. "s- sojung-ah," he stuttered as he tried to get near me. i stood and ran to our shared bedroom. i slammed the door close and locked it. i cried as silently as i could, not wanting him to hear me cry. i cupped my mouth as i slid down the door, trying to hold my sobs in. he was begging on the other side. "jagiya, open the door," he kept saying while crying. he knocked then started banging the door.

    the sobs gradually creased and it turned silent. i guess he either gave up or fell asleep. my ex fiancé, namjoon, met me as we decided to catch up with our daily lives. he came back from his overseas trip after finishing his studies. he confessed that he regretted letting me go and wanted me back.  as much as i wanted to take him back, i can't. i'm with jin and a new family member is coming. i rejected his proposal and told him about the baby. after all, i have to let go of the past in order to live in the present right?

    now here i am, in my bedroom alone. crying to my pillow because of the stupid misunderstanding between us. i hated when this happens. "i'm sorry jisung," i said as i rubbed my tummy. i closed my eyes to calm myself down. i have to stay strong for jisung. without knowing, i drifted off to dreamland.

"oppa, we need to talk," (sowon)
"i think, me too," (jin)
"i have something to confess," (sowon)
"me too," (jin)
"lets do it together," (sowon)
3, 2, 1
"i'm still in love with my ex," (jin)
"i'm pregnant," (sowon)
"what? no you can't do this, let's get a divorce," (jin)
i stared at him as tears bimmed my eyes.

    i woke up drenched in sweat. my heart was beating fast, what was that nightmare all about? divorce. it still haunts me till this day. the day where he mentions it, i don't think i could even handle it. i looked at the timing. 3:07 am. i opened the door as i planned to eat outside because i was craving for food. i wanted sushi. which sushi shop is opened early in the morning? ugh. my thoughts were disturbed when his body fell on my leg. he was hugging his legs to his chest, shivering. its too cold as there was no heater outside our bedroom.

    "sojung-ah, don't go," i could hear him whisper while being asleep. i felt bad for leaving him outside. i woke him up. "oppa," i said while shaking his body. he opened his eyes. he immediately pulled my neck down and hugged me. "so- so j-jung ah," he muttered despite freezing. "i'm s-sorry, i l-love y-you," he stuttered. "go to bed, i'll get you something warm to drink," i told him. he nodded and i help his freezing body to the bed.

    i came back with warm tea but he was asleep. i felt his forehead and realised that it was burning hot. i grabbed ice water in a bowl and soaked a paper towel into it. i sqeezed out the water and put the damped cloth on his head. i put hot packs all over him to keep his body warm. a few days later, he got better. i stopped talking to him, i was still upset because of the misunderstanding. "sojung-ah, can we talk?" he asked me as he stood in front of me when i was going out of the door. i looked at him with my cold stare and tried to go away.

    he blocked most of my ways. "move it," i told him coldly. "i'm sorry really," he said. i sighed i bumped his shoulder when going out of the room. he sighed too. today i was wearing a really loose t-shirt that covered 'till half of my thighs with my hair bunned down. i didn't wear anything below because i can't fit into anything. i started cooking myself an omelette to eat for breakfast. i cut my omelette in half and put it in a seperate plate. i placed it on the dining table without saying a word. i ate mine and washed my own plate.

    "sojung you know this isn't good for the baby," "oh now you care about the baby?!" i screamed at him. tears fell out of my eyes. i wiped them away harshly. he was quiet. "you didn't care when we fought but suddenly out of nowhere you suddenly do. you know what? just leave me alone," i told him. as i walked past him, i bumped his shoulders purposely. i felt bad but what could i do? i'm still upset and i can't accept that he actually slapped me.

    i was about to close the door for my bedroom when he stopped it. "what are you doing? finish your food," i told him and tried to close the door again. his foot stopped it from closing. "kim.. sojung," his voice cracked. i opened the door to see his figure. he looked up at me. "i forgot to tell you," i said. "i'm going out tonight," i told him. i could see his tears streaming out. i slammed the door to his face.

    i got out of the bedroom wearing long dress. my bump on my stomach is showing, i don't feel beautiful. jin used to tell me that i'm beautiful whenever it told him that i'm fat. but now, i'm giving him the silent treatment. it feels lonely. no one is here to tell me i'm beautiful despite having a bump on my stomach. i was about to reach for the main door when a pair of arms slid around my waist. "forgive me. please, i won't do it again," he said. my shoulders are getting wet, he's crying again. my heart softened.

    i turned around to look at him and wiped his tears away. he sobbed and pulled me closer. "i'll let you explain," he said. i explained everything. he led me to the sofa. after i finished explaining, he just stared at me. he stared deep into my eyes then started to lean closer in until the gap between us is gone. i sat on his lap. i pulled away from him and hugged him tight. "i missed kissing you and hugging you this close," he said. we stayed there until suddenly, my stomach rumbled.

    "you're hungry?" he asked. i got off him and smiled sheepishly. "sushi?" i asked him. he told me he had to change. while he was taking his time to change, i took out the green tea that i kept and drank it. he came out and held my hand. he drove to my favourite sushi place. "oppa, i have to go to the toilet," i told him. after eating and finishing our food, we went back home.

    on the bed, he hugged me tight. i was suddenly reminded of my dream. "oppa," i called out for him. he hummed in reponse. i hough about it. this question may lead us into a fight. i should give him a break. "nevermind," i told him. "what is it?" he asked me. "i just wanted to say, sweet dreams," i told him and kissed his lips. "sweet dreams, my beautiful wife, sojung and my daughter, jiyoung," he said. "i thought we agreed on jisung," i said and pouted. "hmm, fine," he said and i giggled.

    he bent and kissed my belly and then my forehead. soon after, we went to lala land ~


a/n ; i hope the storyline is not so confusing. thank you for reading bangchin stans ☁️ i'm abit unwell 🤒 i planned to update this yesterday but got a really bad headache. until the next time, goodbye 🌷

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