The Beast Tamer

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Entei the Legendary Dog or some prefer Beast...Entei is one of the Legendary trios, but we will save that for later...let us begin.

Once upon a time, there was a Legendary Pokemon named "Entei" some call it "The Beast of The Volcano" was called that because this certain Beast appears in a volcano near a city called "Flareius City" it was a big city once, until Entei appeared! People was scared of Entei and moved out to other places. Now Flareius City is forgotten by many people...except by one man, this man once lived in Flareius City some call him The Beast Tamer! Because this man once met Entei face to face! Some people believe him and some people don't. Some people also think he is crazy! But it was true...the man or The Beast Tamer met The Legendary Entei! The Beast Tamer wished that he could meet Entei again but he was too old to go to Flareius City and the city is very far from other day the man was sitting in a coffee shop and a young boy approach him saying...

Mysterious boy: "Are you the one that they call "The Beast Tamer?"
The Beast Tamer: "Yes...why do you ask?"
Mysterious boy: "I heard you met The Legendary Beast...Entei"
The Beast Tamer: "That is true, i met was the best experience of my life"
Mysterious boy: "So it is true...tell me where is it!?"
The Beast Tamer: "Why should I tell you?? Do you want to capture it?"

The Beast Tamer of course would not tell the mysterious boy directly, so he ask many questions to why the boy wants to know where Entei is but the boy kept making lies until the boy had enough of it!

Mysterious boy: "Enough! Just tell me where Entei is!! Simple right!?"
The Beast Tamer: "Not until you tell me why you want to know..."
Mysterious boy: "Tch! Fine...I want to know where it is because i want to catch it"
The Beast Tamer: *stares at the boy meanly* No! Entei is a free Pokemon! You can't just do that!!"

Everyone in the coffee shop was surprised...and some kids cried! The shop owner asked the man and the boy to get out of the shop, so the man did what he was told to and so as the boy...

End of part 1...

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