chapter 33

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"no, that wont go good with her figure, its too big."- tooth pointed to the dress anna was holding. it was small up top. but then immediatly went puffy.-"yea your right, but all those dresses arent good enough, and dont compliment her beauty." anna replied to the dresses tooth picked out. i laughed and they both looked at me, "what?" they said in unison. "oh, nothing, its just you both are arguing over dresses that you wont be wearing, and that i havent even tried on."- "TRY MINE!" They again said in unison, which made me laugh harder.

"can i at least get bunny, phillip, sandy, and my dads opinion?" the girls groaned and nodded. i laughed and called in a maid. "i need you to find phillip, my dad, sandy, and bunny?" the maid nodded and scurried out of the room. i looked at tooth and anna, and they were still fighting about dresses.

i sighed and looked through the pile, until my eyes landed on a dress that i thought was beautiful. it wasnt a mermaid, but it wasnt a puffy ball gown either, it was of course white, but there was a thin layer of see through fabric on top of it. the fabric had sparkles that looked like snow, and then the top was all horisontal ruffles. and the part just below my chest was a bow with a little diamond stud. "i want to try this one!" i grabbed it from the pile and carefully picked it up so it wouldnt touch the floor.

this was splended.


"no, im just saying that north is right and christmas is more inportant than easter. its a way bigger holiday my friend." bunny scowled at me and north just laughed... and sandy?... just made signs that i still cant put into a sentence. "dont push it mate." bunny pointed a warning finger at me.i held my hands up," its not my fault your not fat and merry like north. your a grumpy old kangeroo." he grabbed the front of my hoodie. "i am NOT a kangeroo." he raised a fist to punch me but a maid walked into the room with phillip. "queen elsa wishes to see you all, except for jack." then she left. "huh?!" i huffed and grossed my arms as bunny let go. bunny chuckled and looked back at me, "maybe she doesnt love you anymore?" then he hopped off to catch up with the others.

i sighed and walked over to the cabinet and pulled out an orange. i walked over to the trash and started peeling it. then plopped a peice into my mouth. i walked out of the kitchen into my bedroom and flopped on the bed. "jackie bear..."

i looked around the room to try and see the voice. but i knew it wasnt elsa. it sounded familiar, like ive herd it before...  but i cant put my finger on it. then, as my eyes scaned over the mirror a figure started to show in it.

i could tell that the figure was a girl, but it was a... pitch black shadow. the girls hair was flying like she was standing in the wind. and in the air was the smell of pines and evergreens. she reached out her hand and i started to walk to it. "jack, come with me. we can live happily." i wasnt sure if i should believe it, but something was so tempting about it.

i began to reach out until phillip ran in the room. he scanned the room and then ran and tackled me. the shadow immediatly vanished and phillip sat on his knees. "my king. what happened?!" i looked at him unable to speak. he sighed. "elsa wants to talk to you." i nodded because that was all i could manage. i got up and fallowed phillip down the halls.

he led me to the meeting room elsa and i were at earlier this morning. i walked in to see elsa laughing and talking to bunny, tooth, anna, sandy and north. she was laughing with a big smile on her face, and thats when i realized, i was marrying her.

and i love her. so much...

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