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Hi, guys! I wanna start this off by saying, this is NOT my first time writing a Wattpad novel. I have written some chapters of one previously, but it was only a few chapters, it wasn't really a great story, and somehow when I forced to quit writing last year (because I was currently writing my GCSE OLs) it had accidentally been deleted. Don't ask me how. Probably the magic of technology.

I was considering to rewrite that story with a better plotline, but I changed my mind, and this one is a fresh new story.

And now we come to the question; Is this disclaimer really necessary?

According to all the drama I've witnessed during my time on Wattpad... YES. YEAH. UH-HUH.
This disclaimer is totes necessary.

Sorry if I come across as rude or demanding, but THESE RULES ARE NOT OPEN FOR DISCUSSION.

Do not read this book if,

You cannot follow Wattpad's Rules and Regulations of Conduct
You know how people say that haters gonna hate? Well I'm sorry, but hate is definitely not welcomed into this book -or any book at all, TBH. In my opinions, haters can stick their negativity where the sun doesn't shine (Thanks for that line, Miyuki_Sakurai ). If for some reason, the content of this book sparks any sort of negativity inside of you, go and punch a wall until you get over it, without taking it out through the Wattpad comments section. Any form of hateful, distasteful or derogatory comments will be deleted and the users will be blocked. Constructive criticism, however, is welcomed.

You expect R- or X- rated scenes (aka sexual scenes)
Here me out loud and clear... NOT HAPPENING!!! While there will be romance and kissing in this book, it won't go into a whole lot of detail, and that will be the limit of it.

I am going to keep a weekly updating schedule, and I may sometimes provide you guys with some early updates if I have written some chapters beforehand, but as a student, my life is pretty hectic with exams, extracurriculars, and whatnot. So I won't be able to provide you guys with updates whenever you want them, nor will I comply to writing my chapters according to your wishes. You are not my editor. You are not my publisher. You do not pay me for writing this. I will update regularly, and update chapters that you hopefully will like, and that's that.

P.S. Sometimes, during my examination weeks I will have to postpone my updating schedule, but I will always warn you beforehand.

You are discriminative towards people of a certain gender, race, or sexuality
Come on, people! This is the 21st century; it's high time we look past these social barriers we've put up against beings of the same species as ourselves, due to petty reasons such as our skin colour, who we prefer to be attracted to, and what's in our pants! Listen up! People will be male, female, gay, bi, trans, ace, white, black, brown, Asian... we just have to get over it.

Also, just another thing; my chapters will be fairly long. So if you prefer short quick chapters, this book is not for you.

Finally, I will be grateful to anyone who takes time to read this, and I will try my best to keep up to standard.



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