chapter 1 : Red

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Her shadows, are everywhere

In the twilight skies

Across the mirror in the empty dance practice room

Reflected by the night traffic lights

Sakura presence, followed Jurina... every inches Jurina go

It was all begun when Sakura selected as a Wcenter with watanabe Mayu on Kibouteki Refrain, and suddenly, the Sakae ace see the Hakata girl almost every time she have a job with the main group, a girl she barely know exist before.

Sakura was always looks nervous... and extremely cute, and Jurina... lol... Jurina was just following her so called kissing monster instinct...

It was on one rainy day, when they happen to be alone in the dressing room

Jurina just ... kiss her... just like that. just like Jurina did mindlessly to who knows how many cute beings she encounter- well...there are reasons why she is called a kissing monster

So there, Jurina lips, against Sakura's

It is of course not Jurina first kiss, not even for that day

Jurina think it would just be another playful kiss

But that day something, something is off... no... something is add up

When Jurina finally pulling herself, Jurina can still feel the tremble she felt on Sakura's lips, yet Sakura eyes... it just...looking straight back at Jurina....and something about it, something about those eyes, has taken something inside of Jurina

And Jurina found herself, drifted slowly, to once again wanted to feeling Sakura heat. Jurina stop just a few inch, to see Sakura face, Jurina can clearly see the other girl is trembling... but her eyes...that one straight clear eyes, is so daring...and inviting

And so Jurina kiss her again

And maybe again

Jurina dont remember

Because for Jurina, it feels like she is still kissing her until this day

That their lips never being parted

Some kisses, are eternal

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Its another freezing day, grey clouds forming in the sky. sakura could smell the rain would soon accompany her day as she walks out her door

A low honk from a black Minivan awaits her, but sakura waited her steps

The car door opened

"Good morning Miyawaki san!"

"Sakuratan, morning!"

A bunch of AKB members already inside

"Good morning Mion, good morning Yuihan" Sakura reply the greet while hop inside

"Saachan! good morning!" Kodama Haruka lit a bit, as she see Sakura entering the car, pat the empty seat beside her

Sakura smile, and take the seat Kodama offer her, right beside the window in the far corner, her favorite spot. what a coincidence the spot is empty, almost like Kodama reserving it for her

Kodama start telling her something about HKT next performance, but Sakura find it hard to really catch up, as her eyes relentlessly screening the van...

She is not here today

Sakura tough it would be easier to breath when Jurina is not around

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