Chapter One - Caged

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"Right this way, mister Stilinski," Stiles smiled at the woman, the charming smile he always used on people, the same smile that always got him what he wanted. And Stiles always got what he wanted. Sure, maybe that made him a spoiled little bitch, but, that didn't matter. He was born into a rich family, it wasn't exactly his fault that he had grown up to be like this, now was it? Not that he minded because he liked having money and getting what he wanted. "We've got a fine selection of young males for you to choose from, sir, I think you will find the perfect one between them."

"I would hope so as well, Natasha," Stiles said, making the woman look up at him and smile softly, thinking that Stiles liked her. But, of course, Stiles didn't. Why would he? He was way more important than that she was, and she definitely wasn't going to of any use anymore after this. "Because if he isn't in this 'fine selection', you won't be having this job any longer, okay?" Natasha looked at Stiles with wide eyes, actually managing to look scared and concerned. "So, unless you want to lose your job right now, stop staring at me and lead me to the 'fine selection' you have, okay?"

Natasha swallowed, nodding her head quickly. "Y- Yes, of course, sir," The poor woman stuttered, turning around and quickly starting to walk again, her heels clicking on the tiles with loud and short clicks. Stiles groaned inwardly, he never really liked women. Not only because he was gay, but mostly because they were just so annoying with their screaming and their high pitched voices and their sobbing and their begging- yeah, that turned a little darker all of a sudden. But, it was true, though. Stiles liked men way better, he liked it that when they woke up after being drugged they would act all tough first, he liked it even more when that act would drop as soon as they realised that they weren't ever going to escape. It was hilarious, actually, the way they would suddenly become the biggest crybabies in the entire world. That's why Stiles preferred for his victims to be male. "Here you go, sir. It's just behind this door."

"You're not coming with?" Stiles asked in confusion, knowing from experience (he had gone down this road a few times before, none of which really ended well. They had promised him many times before that he'd find the right one in their 'fine selections', but it never once happened) that he couldn't go into the room on his own. Some of the, well, 'members of the selection' could be a little aggressive sometimes and they could suddenly freak out and harm people.Not that they could harm Stiles, he always came prepared. "Did they change up the rules since the last time I came here?"

"They've upped the security this time," Natasha explained, glancing at the door before she looked back at Stiles, leaning in a bit closer like she was going to let Stiles in on some kind of secret. "We've caught an Alpha, sir," Stiles' eyes grew wide, making Natasha smile wide. "It has never happened before, but, somehow we caught him. I think that's interesting, because that must mean deep down the Alpha wants to be controlled, even though he is an Alpha and he is supposed to be in control of all of the other werewolves. But, this is the only reason why we were able to catch him. It was because he gave himself up, because deep down inside of him he wanted to be caught and sold and owned."

"And which one is the Alpha? Because I would absolutely love to meet him face to face," Stiles grinned, excitement bubbling up from deep inside of him. He had always wished to meet an Alpha, but, they had more or less been something like a myth since they hadn't often been seen. Ever since humans took over the world and started to take werewolves as slaves for their pleasure, werewolves had gone into hiding. They pretty much tried to convince the humans that they didn't exist any longer, but, well, that didn't work. And now he was going to meet an actual Alpha, and a submissive Alpha, which is even more amazing. It was like Stiles' dream come true.

"You can ask the guards inside, they will help you," Natasha said, leaning away from Stiles again. Stiles flashed her a smile, images of blood seeping out of her neck flooding through her mind. Maybe he would do that later, but not now. No one in here could know of his little secret 'hobby'. They would never allow him to take another werewolf home, and definitely not the Alpha that Stiles had set his mind on now. And he wanted that Alpha, and that he wanted him meant that he was going to get him. Natasha snapped Stiles out of his thoughts by opening the door, showing off two guards with guns, looking at Stiles with blank faces. "Have fun, mister Stilinski."

"Thank you, Natasha," Stiles said, walking into the room with a smirk on his face. He could see the cages with the werewolves inside, he could hear the muffled growling and whimpers and everything just made him feel so much more excited. He loved this, he loved feeling like the most powerful and important person in the room, which he was at that moment. "Well, let's take a look at those pretty werewolves, huh?" Stiles walked closer to the first cage, leaning closer as he looked at the quivering werewolf inside of it. "And who is this?"

"An Omega called Charlie, sir," One of the guards replied, making Stiles hum as he moved closer, trying to get a better look of the werewolf. It was a pretty werewolf (for as much as Stiles could see, since the werewolf was hiding his face in his arms), one with brownish red hair and a slightly lanky body. "He's sixteen years ol-"

"Too young," Stiles snapped which made the werewolf flinch, something at which Stiles snickered. He sighed, walking over to the next cage where he spotted a girl. "A girl? Seriously? You really caught a girl for me?"

"Sir, we thought-"

"Well, apparently you didn't think," Stiles glared at the guard, clenching his fists in anger. "Because then you would have known that I have already explained that I am gay so many times," The young male let out a deep breath, trying to calm himself down and keep himself from murdering every guard right then and there. They had guns, after all. And maybe he could get rid of one of them, but then the rest would definitely try to take him in and he wouldn't be able to have his pretty Alpha anymore and that was pretty much the worst thing ever now wasn't it? He had the chance to get his Alpha, and he was definitely not going to let this chance slip through his fingers because (as said before) he always got what he wanted and he wanted the Alpha. "You can make it up to me by showing me the Alpha, okay?"

"Yes sir, right this way sir," The guard quickly muttered, walking over to a cage with a growling werewolf inside. It was staring at Stiles, glaring straight into Stiles' eyes with his red ones and holy fuck that was even better. Apparently the Alpha didn't know the proper etiquette of submissives (obviously, he was an Alpha after all) "We haven't figured out his name yet, he wouldn't say anything to us when we tried to make him talk. He is very stubborn and he has tried to escape multiple times, he almost managed to one time and he ended up putting three of the guards into the hospital. If I were you, sir, I wouldn't take him. He is extremely aggressive and it would take a lot to make him into a submissive, I'm sure of that."

"Well, luckily you are not me," Stiles said, getting closer to the Alpha who growled in warning. "And I want him," The Alpha seemed scared for a few seconds, something that made Stiles grin. Yes, maybe it would take a lot of work, but, Stiles wanted this more than anything. "And I will be in control."

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