silently falling | everlarkcatoniss ••

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silently falling | everlarkcatoniss

[ teen fiction]

"Sunshine, what guy do you know that has a weird fetish with sign language?"

She's the aftermath of a high school party nightmare. Tragedy robbed her of her innocence and stole her voice before she had the chance to speak out. The court called her a liar, and the guilty was set free. Now memories plague her mind and trap her in solitude.

She was forced to learn sign language, struggling to find a way to her voice in silence.

He's the definition of the boy she tried to stay away from. The epitome of harsh rumours and hopeless fantasies. The source of lies and blame. He's analyzed, misunderstood, and utterly mysterious.

And he may be the one to find her voice.

When they meet, she gets accustomed to his arrogance and he gets accustomed to her silence. An essay is what brings them together, but what happens when he starts asking too many questions?

Will her past continue to drag her down, or will he save her?

Fate has a funny way of bringing people together, but it doesn't always work how it's supposed to.


rating: 10/10

if you described this book in one sentence, it's easy to mistake it for any other typical high school romance.

"girl falls for bad boy."

but that's not what it is, and it almost pains me to say that because it makes the book sound extremely cliché, and it couldn't be further from that. try, "girl, who unfortunately went through a horrible incident causing her to lose her voice and develop a difficulty to trust others, becomes annoyed by misunderstood boy who has had a terrible (and far from the truth) image painted of him due to rumours, but unexpected things happen causing the story to be a whole lot more than your average teen fiction, and definitely worth the read (ft. toby and warren and alyse and gray and tyler)."

silently falling is full of mystery, and the author has written the book so that you find everything out at just the right time. there are even a few surprises along the way, which you definitely would not see coming.

the book also has a great deal of (you probably know what i'm going to say next) character development, and in this story it's different and a lot more special than it is in others. you become familiar with the difficulties the characters face, and watching their development is honestly wonderful. it's not just the main character in which you see development, or even the main two characters. every character has developed in some way or another throughout the story, and just when i thought i'd seen it all, one at the very end did surprise me a little.

silently falling is filled with surprises and carries such a strong message. it made me realise just how strong the impact of rumours is, and just how misleading they can be. you can have a whole image built up of someone based on a rumour, or even a fact, but you don't truly know them or the reasons behind said fact, until you make an effort to. and in this case, you'll see the image that was built up couldn't be further from the truth.

the book has so many funny and light-hearted moments that make you laugh, and just make you happy to be reading. various smaller characters are introduced, who you end up falling equally in love with. i may have even shed a tear or two at (i'm trying not to reveal too much) a particular, very thoughtful, a little emotional and priceless christmas gift that was given to one of the characters from another.

there is not a single person that i wouldn't recommend silently falling to. it's a book i could read a million times over and still be just as in love with.

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