That Night at Starbucks

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"So do you guys want to meet up at Starbucks after school? You know, so we can catch up on each other's lives over the past year."

"Sure. Of course. Wouldn't miss it for the world," Layla and Natalie both exclaimed at the same time. (Like they always do when someone asks a question for both of them.)

"See you girls later. And try to find out if Ashley wants to come too."

Rachel's POV

I think it will be fun to get the whole gang back together. You never know, maybe we can just click back together like a puzzle. Or it could be like one of those frustrating puzzles where you have to just jam that last piece in because it belongs to another puzzle that you didn't know existed. ( Sorry for all the analogies)

Natalie's POV

What was she thinking, "Invite Ashley to Starbucks." That is a really bad idea. It's like she didn't even notice how Ashley hangs out with Frances now. She isn't even the one that just came back from Poland, Layla is. I don't know. I just don't get how she thinks we can just get the team back together, like when someone is out for half the season in track. They can't just be added in without consulting everyone on the team first. I don't know what Layla is going to do, but I know I am definitely not inviting Ashley to Starbucks with us.

Layla's POV

Was Rachel being serious? I just came back from Poland an even I know that Ashley is bad news! Has Rachel lost her mind over the past year or has she always been this..... this..... needy. Yeah that's the word, needy. I have absolutely no idea if Ashley will come, but I guess I can ask her during lunch or something. I just have to look for a girl that used to be a part of our group, but now isn't, and hangs out with used to be dweeb, but now fashion queen, Frances. Maybe it'll work or maybe she will shut me down like a death camp like Aushwitzs in Poland. And yes I just put a little history lesson into my thoughts, but I am proud of it.


It is now after school, I have tons of homework to do, but I don't care. I came to Starbucks for two reasons: to get the group back together (even without Ashley and Bri), and to get my latte (because I forgot to get my coffee this morning like I usually do everyday), and to escape from the horrors of seeing Justin everyday (because he lives right next door to me and is a real stalker when it comes to me and my friends). So, I guess that there are three reasons I came to Starbucks after school today.

I kept checking my phone to see what time it was. Every time I checked, only about 30 seconds had gone by. Oh my gosh, this is exhausting just watching the minutes slowly tick by. Every time I checked my watch, I took a sip of my latte. So, by the time I finished my now luke-warm iced latte, I just gave up. It was now 3:49 P.M. and I just took my books, my purse, and my frustration and naturally walked out of my favorite coffee joint in Pennsylvania.

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