Chapter 1: It Begins

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I woke up on the floor of the Sky Lord's throne room. Every one was crowded around me, their eyes wide with wonder and shock. I sat up. my head felt like I'd been hit with a baseball bat.

"What happened?" I asked my voice hoarse. "You just passed out. After we got back my father wanted to see you but when you got into the throne room you passed out. We tried moving you but every time we tried your skin burned us even ,Flamous. It was as if you were protected by some mysterious power." Elie said kneeling beside me.

"Wait, why is Flamous here? And why do you sound surprised he couldn't touch me when he is just a mortal kid?" I asked confused. "Oh, I forgot to tell you, didn't I?" Elie said blushing a bit. "Tell me what?" I asked becoming really confused. "I am not a mortal kid." Flamous said appearing behind Elie. Suddenly, his body became consumed by fire. This made me jump to my feet.

"Wow, wow calm down this is just my true form." Flamous said still on fire. "You're a fire elemental?" I asked completely confused now. "Not only is he a fire elemental, he is my son." A voice said from behind us. We turned to see Lord Vulcan sanding in the door way. "Lord Vulcan, What are you doing here? Not that you are not welcome in our kingdom." Elie said Sounding a little surprised. "I have come to talk to Neptune's son." The Fire Lord said pointing at me.

"Yes sir?" I asked stepping out from behind every one. "May I speak to you alone please." The Fire Lord asked kindly as if he was speaking to some one more powerful the him. Elie and every one else left silently.

"What do you need to talk to me about?" I asked. "I need to explain what just happened to you." The Fire Lord said a serious tone in his voice. "You now have an ancient power. You now hold a power so great that no other power compares. The is only one that can match your power. But i must first tell you what has happened. You were chosen by The Lords and Ladies of the Elements to be the next Sol King."

"Wait, do you mean sol as in a spirit or the sun?" I asked shocked by the news. "Sol as in the Latin word for sun. You are now not a water elemental but you are now a light elemental. In your true form, what ever you touch shall turn into solid gold. Why don't you give it a try." the Flame Lord said with a slight smile. "Well, how do I change into my true form?" i asked trying not to show how nevus I really was. "Hasn't your father taught you how to change to your true form?" The Fire Lord asked raising an eyebrow. "Well, ya..." I said. "It is no different. Just imagine you are changing into a water elemental. Go ahead, give it a try." The Fire Lord encouraged.

"Okay." I said sounding slightly nervous. I focused on transforming. My skin became very warm. It felt as if I was in the middle of Death Valley in the middle of the summer. I opened my eyes and all the heat went away. I looked down on my self to see that my skin was radiating with golden light.

"Wow!" I yelled jumping into the air. But I didn't fall back down. I looked down and saw that I was floating a couple feet of the ground.

"Wow! Cool." I said with a smile. "Good, you are already learning." The Fire Lord said with a slight smile. I gently floated back to the ground and took my human form. "Wait, I have to give up being a water elemental?" I asked slightly disappointed. "Actually, no you don't. In fact, you are going to be able to transform into any type of elemental you want. But first you must master all of the other elements. You have already mastered water and sky..." The Fire Lord said when I interrupted. "Wait water and sky?" I asked. "Yes, the Sky Lord's daughter did give you that medallion right? Well, it doesn't just allow you to control lightning. It allows the wearer to control the sky, thus mastering the element." The Fire Lord said.

"The Sky Lord knew I was going to be chosen?" I asked. "Well, I believe that he thought if any one would be chosen it'd be you." The Fire Lord said. "Well, enough chit chat. We need to star preparing you for Halloween night." The Fire Lord said a look of fear washing over his face. "That is like a week away." I said sounding really confused."Yes, I know." The Fire Lord said fearfully. "Wait, what happens on Halloween night?" I asked. "On Halloween night, it begins." The Fire Lord said.

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