Chapter Five

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"So he has witnessed and alibis would've gone over the witnesses a number of times and all i have remained true to their own stories, though I sense fear within their testimonies , I'm convinced these witnesses are not speaking the truth, they're hiding something, "I don't know what, but I'm pretty sure he was not at his mothers." Responded Sebastien

"You right, Edgar's testimony seems very sketchy in my opinion, he's bound to mess up sooner or later " replied David.

Sebastien after wrapping up the meeting with Remington Firm Inc, Julie came in handing him all of what she could gather on Edgar's witnesses. "They all mention idiot to me That I should not re-questioned them concerning their whereabouts, each one Mr. Remington responded Julie  she felt for these people lives Edgar she knew for sure threatened their them and their family's and  friends.

"Let's see, Sebastien had swiftly gone over the documents still aware that Julie was standing near waiting for his instruction or response one or the other he was sure."They all admit to the same exact wordings there is a huge fault here,"They'd let this guy get away with anything, Sebastien said angrily throwing the papers and tapes aside of the recordings of their conversations.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2014 ⏰

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