Chapter 5: To the Gates

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Sam stared at the backs of Mick and the weird new comer. Honestly, who dresses like that? He looked like a reject from a bad Charles Dickens cosplay. Or at least what she thought a Dickens character would look like, having never read much more than a Cliff's Note of Dickens she couldn't be sure. She had seen and even liked the movie A Christmas Carol, the Jim Carrey version anyways and that asshole could've been an extra in that movie. If he'd been computer generated anyways. And not a dick.

And what the hell was with him staring at her snatch? Accidents happen but if she let something like that slide with a newbie all the drunk pervs would start borderline assaulting her. A few might even cross he border. She had established a strict no nonsense, yet friendly, reputation at the bar over the few years she'd work here and she'd be damned if some freakshow wannabe messed it up.

"I was to's there you sh-bastard." Frank's drunken ran was beginning. Sam pulled her eyes away from drilling holes into the office door to scan for the old drunk ready to start the nights key routine. As she turned ready to chastise the old man she caught sight of the little girl ghost standing atop Frank's table, arms crossed and tapping one foot in an undeniable gesture of impatience. Sam stumbled forward trying to catch the glass pint she dropped in surprise before it hit the floor and shattered. She caught it and was rewarded with applause and alcohol enhanced whoops and hollers.

Ghosts had never shown up here before. Sometimes they met her outside so she knew they knew she worked here. She had never really thought about it before, didn't want to question a good thing lest it be taken away but now here was this little ghost invading her sanctuary. It wasn't enough that she had pissed quite a few ghost clients off by over sleeping this morning and missing their unfinished business appointments, she was fairly certain Mrs. Jenkins whom had died before setting arrangements for the care of her prized poodle, Pookie, was going to go full on poltergeist if Sam didn't ensure that Mrs.Jenkins' son didn't give the dog to the humane society and soon all because of this one little needy bitch of a ghost who was now performing workplace harassment. She glared at the girl, seeing the ghost's impatience and raising her an extreme annoyance. The ghost just tapped her left wrist with the pointer finger of her right hand. Sam glanced at the clock it was barely 11:20.

"I still have a half hour you little bitch," she hissed. Sam was never any good at poker. And then flushed with embarrassment realizing she just spoke aloud to someone no one else could see or hear. She looked around quickly and breathed a sigh of relief when she saw no one seemed to notice or care. Looking back at the ghost her annoyance grew worse as the girl flickered and appeared at the entrance door, furiously moving her hand, a thumb pointed out, back and forth in a "let's go," motion. Sam took a deep breath, stalked over to the raving Frank, slammed the pint glass on the table, and snatched the keys out of the man's pocket. She did not need this shit right now. Leaving the empty pint glass and a slack jawed Frank, Sam stalked to the back office and entered with barely a knock.

"Sorry, Mick but something's come up and I really gotta go. Shouldn't be too long, hopefully be back for closing," it was obvious from he annoyed look on Cosplay Reject's face that she had interrupted something and if Mick had been talking to anyone but him she might have cared.

"Sam, this is a bad time," she couldn't believe what she was hearing. For three years she had barely asked for more than a fifteen minute break, had never called in sick, been late and had even stayed late on more than one occasion to help Mick close up even when she wasn't scheduled. Now she just needed to leave for a little while and he wasn't going to let her? She suddenly felt tired. Very tired. "I really-"

"When do I ever ask for time off, Mick?"

His sigh aggravated her more than it ought have but he admitted she was right and called her sweetheart again. Sam couldn't help but give him a smile, a weak one to be sure but a smile nonetheless. She turned to leave and was greeted by the little ghost girl looking as annoyed as ever. Sam rolled her eyes and walked right through the temperamental ghost, through the kitchen, and out the back door. Ghosts tended to get annoyed when they are passed through but Sam didn't care. This needy little bitch ghost was on her last nerve.

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