Episode 4: Paintings and Viaducts

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January 7th 1922

The railway was starting to get busier, more building materials were needed and the railway had finish building the second station on the mainline.

The station that the engines were temporarily at was named Carrag and aswell the yard had more siddings and a turntable.

The railway was starting to get successful.

But one day, while Harok was laying rails on the left side of the track (since there was going to be a three way mainline).

When a workman sawed somethink. "Sir," he said to the manager and pointed to the were he sawed the place.

The manager ran up to see it properly.

"Oh dear," he said, "we have a problem."

There in front of him, was a deep deep embankment, with a river at the bottom.

"What should we do?" asked the workmen.

"We have to build a viaduct," answered the manager.

Meanwhile, back at the sheds Hymerk was still getting repaired and King Callum was sleeping silently in the sheds.

Anderson just chuckled and puffed towards a train of trucks readdy to be taking to the end of track that was being built.

Then Mr Lang came up to him.

"Hello Anderson," he said.

"Hello sir," replied Anderson.

"Listen me and Mr Anderson are trying to get you four a new coat of paint. But are style, we just don't know what colour to have."

"Oh, ok sir," said Anderson.

"So," continued Mr Lang, "any thoughts of colour?"

"No sir," answered Anderson.

"Oh, ok then," said Mr Lang, "that's fine you carry on with your work then."

"Yes sir, thank you sir," replied Anderson and he puffed away.

As he did he went by Ashfull, who returned from the end of track that was being constructed.

"Oh I see that Anderson is off to the track then," he said, "must of got are message about the river."

"River," replied Mr Lang.

"Yes, there's a embankment with a river at the bottom," said Ashfull.

"We didn't get the message," said Mr Lang suddenly worried.

"Funnels and Domes," said Ashfull, he was almost speechless, "I need to stop him before it's too late."

As he puffed out of the yard while Mr Lang rushed to Carrag Station to get on the telephone to tell the signalmen to stop Anderson.

Meanwhile Anderson was rushing to the set of track.

"If I can get there in early, the railway will be opened in no time," he puffed.

But as he neared the new section of track he sawed the signal go red.

"Wheels and rods," he exclaimed, "I must stop!"

But the trucks had other ideas.

"Go on, go on!" they screamed as Anderson started to break.

"Oh o," he cried, "stop stop!"

But the trucks wouldn't listen as they pushed harder and harder.

Meanwhile, Harok had just finished the middle track just before the embankment.

"There we go," he said.

Suddenly a loud whistle was heard and Anderson came around the bend at 30MPH.

"Get out of the way!" he said.

The workmen did but the trucks were getting tired and the train was slowing down.

"Yes," said Anderson.

But he came of the rails but manage to stop just in time.

Anderson open his eyes to find him self leaning over the edge.

"Oh no, help," cried Anderson.

The embankment was starting to get weaker. Anderson looked down at the water bellow.

Then a whistle was heard.

"That sounds like, Ashfull!" exclaimed Anderson.

It was, as Ashfull slowly came to a stop.

"Don't worry Anderson," said Ashfull quickly, "i'll get you back on the rails in no time."

"Hurry, the ground is weakening," replied Anderson sounding as scared as ever.

Soon Ashfull was coupled up and slowly started to move backwards.

"I can't watch," said Harok who shut is eyes.

Ashfull puffed and slipped and puffed but finally he manage to get Anderson off the embankments edge and back on to the rails.

The workmen cheered as the engines sighed with relief.

"Thank you Ashfull," said Anderson.

"Your welcome," replied Ashfull.

That night, Mr Salt came to the sheds.

"Well done Ashfull!" he said, "and you were very brave Anderson too."

"Thank you sir!" they said.

"Well I have some good news. Hymerk, you can run again in two days time."

Hymerk beamed.

"But we've still haven't figure out what paint we should give you," sighed Mr Salt.

Then Anderson had an idea.

"Sir," he said, "I can give you an idea."

Mr Salt pearked up. "Go on," he said eagerly.

"Well," begined Anderson, "for express engines you can have dark blue with black and yellow strips. And for fright engines you can have black with blue strips. Then you can have mix-traffic engines as normal blue. Then for normal passenger engines you can have light blue and shunters can get navy blue."

They engines looked very amazed so did Mr Salt, but he liked it.

And so he went to Mr Anderson and Mr Lang with the ideas.

They liked it too and the day after the next, the engines (sadly not King Callum) got there new paint jobs.

Hymerk got light blue, Anderson got navy blue and Ashfull got normal blue.

Because of the river, the railway had to build a viaduct but that's a story for another day.

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