Kiss And Tell

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Chapter 12


~Sky's pov~

I woke up holding Delilah and saw Luke leaving the room. I sat for a few minutes expecting his return. Nothing. I stood up and heard someone yelling downstairs. Sounded like Luke, but I wanted to be sure. I crept down the stairs and went to shayla's room where she sat reading. "hey," I whispered "have you heard the yelling?" I asked quietly "Yeah what's that all about?" she asked. I shrugged my shoulders "dunno. Wanna help me find out?" I asked. She nodded her head slowly and surly "how are we going to go about this?" she asked standing by the door. "I'm pretty sure the yelling came from the kitchen," I said "so you go behind the staircase and to the door by the pack meeting room," I instructed "and ill go in through the door by the office," I finished. "Dont enter immediately tho, I don't want you getting hurt." I said holding onto her shoulder, she nodded and we opened the door quietly to see Luke walking back into the kitchen. I wonder where he went while me and shayla were talking. I motioned for her to go and we walked to the door ways. I peered in to see Luke standing by the sink with blood down his chin and glass shards on the floor. There was some woman standing in front of him, with her back turned to me. Her hair was black and curly, she wore a black dress that fit her slim body, and for some strange reason she was holding a bullet from the gun we retrieved the other day. "I have something to tell you first," she said with a demonic voice but still very feminine. She walked closer to Luke and whispered something in his ear. I could see a smile grow across his lips "really?" he said happily as she suddenly smashed her lips onto his. He looked oddly surprised by her sudden actions. My eyes grew watery and I gasped bringing Luke's attention toward the doorway. His eyes grew sorrowful as she kept kissing him. I ran upstairs while shayla stayed at the bottom and called my name. "Go away!" I yelled at her and sprinted into mine and Luke's room. I heard a pain filled yell come from downstairs but I just kept still. I locked the door and slid down and sat in front of it, letting the tears slide down my face. How could he do this to me? I sat there thinking when I was interrupted by pounding on the door. "Sky. please let me in," I heard Luke plead. "no. Go back to that chick. You obviously seemed to enjoy being with her more than me," I said now crying even harder. "Sky its not like that! Just let me in," he begged from the other side of the door. I ignored him and sat there in front of the door feeling the warm tears spill down my face. "Sky please," I heard him say followed by a sliding noise. I closed my eyes, letting my wet eye lashes touch my skin. "Please angel," he said close to tears. "I feel bad enough from hurting you a few moths ago. Im sorry Sky. Please let me in," he rambled from the other side of the door. I felt tired so I let sleep take over and passed out.

I looked into the warm sun, letting it reflect off of my skin. The island was still today and very quiet. I couldn't find Luke, he was nowhere in sight. I heard the quiet sound of tree leaves moving. I heard the quiet click of someone grabbing an arrow. I was the target, the immortal target. I heard the slight snap of a bow and turned around to see an arrow fly into my shoulder. I let out a piercing scream making the island come to life with the sound of multiple voices ringing throughout the air. I fell to the dirt blacking out.

I woke up to Luke holding me in bed "Its okay baby. I've got you and ill never let you go," he said sniffling. I was still wearing his shirt and he still had blood on his face. I looked around to see the window open and mentally slapped myself in the face. "Why did you do it boo?" I asked as he jumped slightly. "Sky it wasn't because I was cheating," he said looking up at me "I had a shadow demon in me and she was getting it out." he cried holding me closer "I would never cheat on you Sky, you're mine and I'm yours." he said kissing my cheek. "Why was she holding a bullet?" I asked sighing with relief. He dug into his pocket "this bullet you mean?" he asked holding it up. "I got it back from her when she was telling me something," he said. "And that something is?" I asked curious. "Can't say," he said as he stopped crying and smiled big. "stop that's creepy. And please tell me boo," I begged pouting. "You'll find out soon baby," he said and kissed my lips softly. "I just. I still am a little uneasy about what I saw earlier," I said looking at him "Made me a little sick. I thought you loved me," I said and looked at him. "I do love you Sky, so very much. And sick how?" he asked. "I guess stressed kinda sick because of yesterday and seeing you kissing her and all," I said lifting up his head and looking into his eyes. He smiled wide and kisses my lips "I love you so much baby," he said looking at me "I'm sorry for freaking you out to the point of sickness. While she was telling me all that I couldn't help but think that I didn't wanna leave you. That I didn't want to die after beginning my life with you," he said then kissed my lips, pulling me closer to him. I smiled and kissed him back while rubbing my thumb across his cheek "I'm sorry for doubting you," I said looking him in the eyes while he ran his hand over my side. He gently slid his hand under my shirt and kissed me again, making me smile and kiss back. He stopped his hand just below my boobs and looked at me "lets go to bed baby," he said kissing my forehead and wrapping us in the blanket.


~Jackie xoxo

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