Golden Haired Akuma

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Disclaimer: No, I don’t own Naruto… *Sigh*…
A/N: heeeeellloooooo people!!! This is me giving in to an almighty plot bunny that has been haunting me for a while. I currently have a HUGE obsession with FemNaruto for the reasons listed below:
1. I’ve been seeing lots of fan art of a female Naruto aka Naruko either alone or paired up with Sasuke.
2. I’m a huge SasuNaru / NaruSasu / SasuNaruSasu fan.
3. Sasuke is hot.
4. The female version of Naruto is BEYOND hot.
5. I don’t feel like writing an mpreg story and I will not accept the whole adoption thing because Uchiha: near extinction, Uzumaki: near extinction, Cute babys: blond hair+black eyes+Sharingan+Uzumaki amazing chakra or Black hair+blue eyes+Sharingan+Uzumaki amazing chakra or… you get the idea a mixture of beautiful SasuNaru babies!!!!
6. Female Naruto in my eyes would be pretty much like her mother tomboyish as a kid, beautiful as a woman. I mean come on hot Minato + beautiful Kushina?? Get outa here…
7. Naruto created the Sexy no jutsu, plus he had two lovely perverted senseis so it goes without saying that he’s pretty much of a pervert himself. Now, imagine a Female Naruto going through the very same experiences, I’d say we’d have a flirty sexy woman who’d know how to play her part as kunoichi right and would also drive our lovely Sasuke mad.
8. Did I mention just how HOT the fanarts of FemNaru are?!
Next I’d like to say that yes, I’ve seen and read all the chapters and episode out thus far and I know that Sasuke has ‘supposedly’ gone back to the good side (donno if I totally believe him yet) but for the sake of my story that hasn’t happened yet and many of the events in the current anime/manga are disregarded. Let’s say for now that this happened after Naruto became friends with the kyuubi and Sasuke already killed his brother and doesn’t have the cursed seal anymore. I’ll try however to move along with the original story after they go back in time but their future selves had a fight before the whole Hokages are reincarnated thingy and obito/Madara face of and other stuff. 
Now for reassurances/ statements about this story:
1. This will not be a harem.
2. SasuNaru from beginning to end.
3. I’ll try to make Naruko’s personality as close to the original one as possible but I’m afraid she will turn up a bit different. I suspect you will see her as smarter, flirtier and with a better relationship with the Kyuubi than she was supposed to at the timeframe I decided to use.
4. Sasuke might also be a bit different but I hope not unreasonably so.
5. Naruko will be able to do some things she isn’t supposed to be able to in the anime/manga simply because I find it frustrating how she’s/he’s a descendant of the great Uzumaki clan, his father and mother were very talented in fuinjutsu, he trained for years under Jiraya a master fuinjutsu user, while the matter has not been addressed and apparently Sasuke is good at it while Naruto sucks ass… or simply never tried to or was interested in learning.
6. Another point that frustrates me is Naruto not having learned the flying god technique which was THE jutsu his father was most famous for, so Naruto will know it since before the beginning of my story.
I think that covers most of what I wanted to say… Oh! And this story was inspired by a similar one I read and loved called ‘The Golden Ages’ By ‘Tsume Yuki' on fanfiction (dot)net

Chapter one:

The blond girl panted crouching down with her hands on her knees. She huffed trying to get the hair out of her eyes as it got in the way of the stare she was directing at her opponent.

They’d been at it for quite some time, and they were both getting tired and unnerved.

Sasuke, try as he might ignore it, was getting affected by her presence. The mere fact that she was standing before him and he could actually see her not just dream or hallucinate about her was messing with his mind. His goals were set, his mind was made, his choices were irreparable… yet… here he was, acting unaffected while little slithers of doubt warmed their way into his mind.

They had both paused for a second from their deadly fight. They stood on opposite sides of the clearing as they tried to regain their breaths. Sasuke’s traitorous eyes ran over her figure and he couldn’t help but be reminded of just how much she had changed over the past five years. Her hair was extremely long and silky and instead of the pigtails she’d had when she was younger it was up in a high ponytail with bangs falling over her sky blue eyes since her forehead protector was instead tied loosely around her neck. Her body was lean and lithe, elegant and deadly, and she had definitely grown out in all the right places. In short she looked pretty much like the figure of her sexy no jutsu except with a sharper face with less baby fat and a different hairdo. She had on a black and orange half open jacket that almost completely covered her short black shorts. A black bra with a fishnet over it could be seen from underneath and a long sleeveless black cape with a hood and red flames eating at the hem was thrown over her attire. Long black socks that reached mid-thigh were covering her long legs and scrolls and pouches were strapped around her waist. She was so very changed from her tomboyish days back in Konoha, where life was not so complicated and they were still innocent. Where they would goof around… well, she would goof around and he’d simply be annoyed, or fondly annoyed if there is even such a thing… Where there was still a possibility of something happening between them. Where they could’ve– he could’ve– No… He was not going there… He had enough of his mind going there every single fuckin time he saw her!!

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