Catching Feelings

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A/N: Hey guys, so I havnt been on wattpad in months. And honestly I dont have an excuse.

But heres a new story I decided to write. This chapter isnt all that long and interesting but Ive got some twists so keep reading!

Its not perfect so any suggestions will be amazing! :) <3

P.S I need a cover! So if you want to make one go ahead!

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I spun around slowly and peered into the mirror, observing. I'm not usually the one who cares about how I look but today's first day of grade 10, I want to look 'ok'. Black skinny jeans, a graphic t-shirt with colourful triangles everywhere and my purple high top converses.

I flicked my long brown hair out of my eyes.

Yeah, I'm a tomboy. I couldn't stand dresses since, well, forever. I don't wear make up, my skin's clear enough as it is. I've never found the look of a face that looks like it's been attacked by orange crayons attractive.

Basically I just let people think what they want, and caking on the makeup isn't going to make my reputation any better. I like being normal, nothing over the top.

I grabbed bag off my floor (which was covered in clothes) and swung in over my shoulder. Still not fully awake I shuffled downstairs from my room and into the kitchen.

Mum was working away at the bench, arranging a plate of pancakes and berries. My tummy grumbled.

"Morning sweetie," Mum said with a huge smile.

"Morning, is that for me?" I said as brightly as possible.

Mum nodded her head, "Yes, dig in. Oh look at you, your father would have been so proud."

I managed a fake smile, grabbed a fork, and started eating. Mum sensed how I was feeling and left the kitchen, so I could have some privacy. I didn't want to talk about Dad. That's the one subject I just couldn't handle, no matter how many counseling sessions Mum forced me into.

As I shoved the last mouthful of food into my mouth there was a knock at the door. Jace Matthews, my best friend.

My face list up just knowing he was here. His family had gone on holiday to France all holidays, and wow I had missed him!

I raced to the door and swung it open. There he was, smiling on my doorstep, just as it had always been the last 3 years of high school. He walked forward and pulled me into a hug, his long deep brown hair tickling my face. I had to stand up on my toes because I was so short, or perhaps because he was amazingly tall.

"I missed you so much!" I practically yelled.

"I know. How could you not miss me? I'm amazing," he said and winked.

I slapped him on the arm.

"BYE MUM!" I yelled into the house.

"Goodbye! Have a nice day!" she yelled back.

I smiled, grabbed my bag and shut the door behind me and Jace.

"You know, it's been exactly 9 years since I met you," Jace stated.

We were walking along the cracked footpath, headed to school.

"Wow. Really?" I asked raising my eyebrows.

"Yup," he said, popping the 'p' as he always did.

He continued, "I still remember, first day of kindergarten. You came running along to the cubby and you ran straight into the door. I think perhaps you forgot you couldn't walk through walls?"

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