"I want you to pee on this stick." My mom directed. I looked at her and gulped, I was nervous I couldn't be pregnant. Could I? No! I grabbed the stick from my mom and took it into the bathroom. I peed on the stick and squeezed my eyes closed. "Please, please," I pleaded. I lifted the stick to my face to see what it said. "Fuck," I cursed, seeing the pregnancy test was positive. 

"Mom!!" I screamed, my breathing hitched. My mom rushed inside and she had a shocked expression on her face. "What the hell Hazel? How the fuck did you manage this?!" I stepped back, "I-I don't rememeber. I-I need to call Ben." I felt tears brim at my eyes. "Don't you hate him or something?" My mom spat.

"I-I don't know right now, please leave mom." I held back my tears as my mom walked out. I locked the door and sobbed into my hands. "Hazel your only sixteen," I whispered to myself, "you never should've hooked up with Ben." Then came the hardest part, telling Ben. 

I grabbed my iPhone and dialed his number, "Hello?"

"Yeah, it's Hazel.."

"Oh, uh, hey Hazel. Why are you calling me, I haven't talked to you since we..-" 

"Thats what we need to talk about," I sighed, rubbing my arm, "Ben."


"I'm pregnant," I admitted, "with your baby."

I heard shuffling at the end of the line, "I'm coming over right fucking now, we need to talk about this. ASAP."

Ben hung up and I slid down the door and burried my face in my hands. "Fuck my life,"

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