Professor Gackt Anatomy and Physiology

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You sat in class desperately trying to remember the names of all the sections of your mouth. You had been studying for hours the night before, but all the names seemed to escape your mind as you stared at the blank diagram on the quiz paper in front of you. You were taking Anatomy and Physiology for your major as a nurse. You had always dreamed of taking care of patients and you were so eager to study and do your best. Your problem is that when it came to timed quizzes and tests, you were a wreck. You couldn't focus on the task if you knew you were being timed. A few of the terms managed to make its way on the page before the ten minutes was up. You stared at your miserable attempt as the paper left your desk and into the teacher's waiting hand. You looked down, as you were always trying hard, but you were ashamed at how horrible you were at this testing. You had wanted to really impressed this man. From the very beginning of the semester with him, you had formed a bit of a crush on him. Professor Gackt was possibly the crush of every girl in the room. Even the boys were jealous of how he held the attention of every girl in the class. From his smooth voice to his perfect body, he was indeed the essence of perfection.

You watched him sit at his desk and leaf through the many papers. He pulled one out and laid it on top. You were sure it was yours. After some moments of deep thought, he stood and began to teach. He asked many questions and called on you about 50% of the time. You of course had no issues with verbally answering.

The bell rang and signaled the end of your class. You packed your bag and was about to head outside until your professor's voice called you back.
"Ms. ____, may I see you for a moment please."
You turned back to face the room. He motioned for you to come back down to his desk. You approached him with caution, dreading his judgement.
"I-is there something wrong?" You stuttered, mentally slapping yourself you tried to calm down as he stared at you with his sparkling eyes.

"What seems to be the problem?" He said as be eyed your miserable attempt at his quiz. "You are clearly smart. You answered all of the same questions perfectly in class without your notes. So why is it they didn't make it as far as the paper?" He asked. You looked at the floor and started to fidget with your purse. "I-I.... I don't do well when I'm timed on tests..." You managed to answer, barely audible to his ears. "I panic and I forget everything."
He listened to your explanation and seemed satisfied with it. He was silent for a moment, deep in thought. You shifted your weight slightly and he smiled. "Have a seat at your desk. I'll be right back." He said as he got up from the desk and disappeared in his office.

He came back with a few papers and a timer. He placed the papers on your desk, they were exactly the same as the one you had earlier. He sat next to you and smiled.
"Try again. I'm not going to time you... I'm only going to see how long it takes for you to answer." He moved your bag away from you so you wouldn't cheat. "Begin."

You were still nervous but the answers came to you. You scribbled your answers and placed your pencil down, signaling you were done. He clicked the timer and smiled. "Five minutes. Not bad at all." He chimed happily. He took the papers and found a different test, yet similar to the one you just did. "Now I will time you. You have 6 minutes." You heard the beep of the timer and immediately you panicked, searching your head for the answers. He noticed this and you heard him stop the timer. "Ms. _____, please.... it's not even graded.... why are you panicking?" You felt his hand rest on your back in an attempt to relax you. You covered your eyes and sighed, frustrated. "Why were you like this?" You thought to yourself.
"I have an idea...." He stated softly. You watched him pull out his phone and search for something. Soon. The room was filled with classical sounding music along with a vocalist, whose voice was deep and calming. "Same rules as before. Try again." You heard your professor say. You were so distracted by the music and the voice filling the room, that you quickly finished answering the questions. He looked at you and smiled. "That's the key." He said as he looked over the paper. "Three minutes." He looked at the timer. "Let's try another." He found another test and once again the room was filled with music as you focused your mind on the test. It was easy, except one question. "Sir? Did we talk about this in class?" He looked at the question and shut off the timer, as you had answered all the other questions except that one. You heard him softly chuckle and he placed his head on his hand, leaning on the desk.
"Well, we actually haven't talked about any of these... this is a future test for next week." You looked at him shocked and he laughed. "You did surprisingly well. So maybe you would like to know the answer to this question so I will give you this private lesson on it." He smiled and read the question. "Besides the tongue, what is the most sensitive area of the mouth? This is simple." He stated and smiled. "The part of the mouth that has the most nerve endings besides the tongue is amazingly the roof of your mouth, your hard palate is the most sensitive area. The skin there is thin, so usually that's where you feel the most pain if you burn your mouth with hot food." He smiled. "It can also be the most pleasant spot as well."
You looked at him with a confused expression. He chuckled and moved closer to you. "Let me show you what I mean." He held your chin lightly and suddenly you felt his warm soft lips on yours. He brought you even closer to his body and licked your lips, which you gladly parted. You felt his tongue lightly trace over your mouth, earning him a light moan from you. He smirked in satisfaction and broke the kiss for air. "I think this was a good demonstration." He chuckled at the sight of your red face. "Maybe from now on, you would want private lessons?" He asked in an amused tone. You nodded and blushed. He smiled and winked at you. "Come by my office after class every day and I'll give you my advanced method of teaching." You had the feeling you would be having lessons every chance you got.

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