Vampire Cazqui x Reader

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It had been a long day, you came home and threw your bags on the floor. Walking to the couch, you landed face first into the cushions which then muffled your frustrated whines and groans. You lay there motionless for awhile before finally getting up and moving to the bedroom where you changed into your nightgown. Outside, a storm made itself known as lightening and thunder filled the heavens. You made your way to the kitchen and was getting ready to make a snack, when the doorbell rang. You looked at the door with a suspicious glance and turned away. The bell range again and again, more frantic in nature.
"I'm coming! I'm coming!" You yelled. "Jesus, can't a girl get a moment to herself?!" You thought to yourself as you threw on a robe and answered the door. There on the porch stood a strange, yet gorgeous man. Silver curls fell down his shoulders, framing his pale flawless face, his brownish red eyes staring at you from the darkness. His voice snapped you awake from your trance.
"I'm sorry, what was that? I had a long day." You replied quickly.
"I asked if I could use your phone. You see, my car broke down and I need a tow truck." He explained again. You nodded and invited him inside. The phone is over there down the hall. You said as you went back to making dinner.
"Thank you." You heard him hang up the phone. "It will be awhile before they can get to me, considering the storm and all." He said. You nodded and smiled.
"Well I guess you can stay here until the truck arrives." You offered. "Sorry about my appearance."
"It's quite alright. I think you look absolutely delicious." He said. You gave a strange look but dismissed his compliment as just his way of being nice.
"Would you like something to eat?" You offered, since you didn't want to eat in front of company and not at least offer food. He looked at you with a pleasant yet unsettling smile.
"No thank you. I'm quite alright for the moment."
You nodded and sat down to eat. All the while, he stared at you. Feeling his eyes boring into you while you ate, you decided to try and make small talk with him to make it less awkward.
"Soooo.... are you from around here?" You asked.
"No, just drifting along." He answered.
"What's your name?"
"Cazqui." You looked at him.
"That's a strange name... it's cool." He gave you that same strange smile.
"And what may I call you sweet angel?" He asked. His voice sent a chill down your spine.
"_____." You answered. Suddenly, the lights went out. You gasped and sat frozen in the spot. It looked like his eyes were glowing red. Lightening flashed, and suddenly he was gone from the spot.
"Boo." He said in your ear. You screamed and jumped up from the table, knocking over your glass and spilling water over the floor, causing you to slip and fall. You crawled backwards away from the man, flashes of lightening showed you he was advancing on you.
"Don't run little bunny. It's time to play." He said with a laugh, causing you to crawl to your feet and run for your room. You tried to close the door, but he was too fast and stopped it with his foot. You forced all your weight on the door, but he pushed against you causing the door to fly back. You fell back on the bed and hid under the blankets like a child. He laughed and stood over you.
"Ahhh such a scared little bunny. How cute." You heard him mocking. His voice becoming strangely soft and relaxing. "The more you resist, the harder it will be, so why don't you come out and be a good bunny. If not, it will hurt more."
You tried to resist, but you heard the danger in his voice and your mind told you it was better to listen to him. You slowly peeked at him from under the blankets and he smiled. "Is the bunny ready to play now?" He joked. You reluctantly nodded. He ripped the blankets off of you and pinned you to the bed. You struggled against him, but he wouldn't budge as he pinned your hands down beside you.
"Tsk, tsk.... what a bad bunny." He said with an evil grin. "Let's play." He snapped his fingers and every door and window locked that lead outside the house. "We will play hide and seek. If you win, I'll leave.... if I win, then I can do as I please with you and you have to be a good bunny and not resist." He purred in your ear. You nodded and he smirked. "You have 10 seconds." He started counting and you leapt up from the bed. You tried hard to pull on the door leading outside but it didn't budge. You heard him counting down so you dove down into the basement and crawled into a tiny little space under the stairs behind an old couch.
"3........2.........1.......Ready or not.... here I come...." he called in an unsettling seductive tone. You heard his steps on the hardwood floors above, slowly making their way around the house. "Here bunny bunny...." he called. You heard him moving things while calling you. You started to cry silent tears as you curled up into a ball making yourself smaller. You heard him open the door to the basement. "I know you are in here bunny. I can smell it." He started slowly descending the stairs, making them creak beneath his weight. You held your breath as he started searching the basement. You could hear him sniffing the air and he pulled the couch out, revealing your tear stained face. "Found you." He chimed happily. He knelt down and looked at you with a sad face. "Awww, why are you crying? You didn't like the game I chose?"
"I'm scared." You managed to say, barely above a whisper. He made a sad expression and looked down.
"They are all the same. Always scared. I just wanted a little fun. I can't help what I am." He said. You looked up at him and he sighed. Despite your better judgement, you reached over and took his hand. You saw his eyes widen with shock. You slowly crawled from your corner and sat next to him. You hated to see someone so sad.
"Maybe if you didn't try to scare people, they wouldn't be so afraid." You said.
"But I enjoy seeing the fear for a bit. That's why I'm lonely. No one understands." He said with his eyes downcast to the floor.
"Well, you won. It's only fair you get what you asked for." You said. He stood up and offered you his hand. You took it and stood up. "What are you going to do?" You asked, partly from fear and partly from curiosity.
"Well, I'm a vampire. So I want a little food. If you are good, I'll spare you, but only if you promise to be good." He said. "I like you, so please behave."
You nodded and he wiped your tears. Taking your hand he lead you back to the bedroom. Locking the door, he walked up behind you and wrapped an arm around your waist.
"You know, this can be a very intimate thing." He whispered in your ear, causing you to blush. "Let me pleasure you."
He pulled the robe from your shoulders and let it fall to the ground, exposing your thin nightgown. You felt him wrap one arm around your waist, his body pressed against your back. His free hand caressed your cheek, turning your face back to look at him. He gently placed his lips on yours, taking your breath away as he held you tight. He moved you to the bed and you laid down as he swiftly removed his shirt and pants, leaving him only in his black boxers. The lightening from outside lit his pale skin, showing off his muscular figure. He looked like the perfect creature, hovering over you. He crawled in the bed and propped himself up next to you, turning your head to face him. He caressed your cheek, then your neck, down to your soft breasts, where he gently squeezed making you blush more. He removed his hand and you felt his long fingers delicately touch your inner thigh, making you shift at his cool touch. You started feeling warm and heated between your legs as he slowly ran his nails up your thigh under your gown. He avoided your area as he pulled the gown up, moving his fingers up your stomach and back to your bare breasts, touching the soft nipples and massaging them, making them hard. He traced his cool fingers down your stomach again, stopping at the edge of your lace panties. He slowly let the fingers glide across the fabric, your body giving you away. You bit back a moan as his fingers teased you. He pulled down the fabric and cast it aside, and he pulled off your gown as well. He parted your legs and his fingers gently massaged your entrance.
"As how wet you are." He chimed, raising his fingers to his lips and licking them seductively while staring in your eyes. He took off his boxers and cast them to the floor. You stared at him with a shocked look. He smirked.
"Don't worry. I'll be gentle my little bunny." He said as he moved to hover over you. He kissed your lips with more hunger, licking your lips for entrance which you gladly gave to him. He explored your mouth and you took the liberty of joining him, licking his fangs with your wandering tongue. He moaned at the sensation of your tongue against his fangs and he released you for air. He moved back to your breasts, massaging them and teasing each bud with his hot tongue. You moaned softly, tangling your fingers in his silver curls. He placed himself at your entrance and smiled down at you, lacing his fingers with yours.
"Ready?" He asked. You nodded and braced yourself for the pain as he suddenly entered you. You moaned in pain and pleasure as he made himself still for you to get used to the sudden intrusion. After a moment, you nodded and he began to gently pump his hips against yours, hitting very wonderful sensation on the way. You moaned and he quickened his pace, intensifying the pleasure. He bent over you and kissed your neck, sucking the delicate skin while you relished in the feeling of him inside you. He quickened his pace once more as he bit your neck, sending pain and pleasure coursing through your body. You felt him drinking and as the pleasure hit you both from the intimate moment you both came and he fell back on the bed beside you. Your heavy breathing slowly turned into deep breathes of satisfaction. He rolled over to face you and smiled. You turned to him and pulled the blankets up over the two of you while you cuddled closer to him.
"I thought you wanted me to leave." He said, about to get up. You shook your head and pulled him back to you. He smiled and wrapped his arms around you tightly.
"I love you." You said, muffled in his chest. He smiled and kissed the top of your head.
"I love you too, my sweet bunny."

Jrock X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now