There's a man who named durant he was in okc and he was the mvp.and he's team was in the final okc vs miami. And okc lost the gameand durant works hard to be an mvp in the morning durant got a best friend and he's name was russel westbrook and them both the same team thunder and they work each other and durant and russel are playing to much to win the win or go home match and their enemy was the golden states warriors because there's an mvp in there was stephen curry he was a great shooter in the nba and the thunder lost the game durant decided to change a team to golden states Warriors and russel didin't no that and durant in the golden states was so stron because there'sthe mvp and thunder and gsw was fighting to win the match and the winner was the golden states and durant was injured because he play to much and durant go back to 1year and he play in the match golden states vs atlanta hawks and durant was the mvp and he was the best player of the game
And he was the valuable player of the game and there's a kid who named justin he want to see durant and curry
And durant and curry give him a shoes and justin was so happy because durant and curry give him shoes and justin wear that shoes every day