
52 4 3

(13 years old)


"Please don't go nezumi" I sobbed onto my boyfriend's shoulder with my arms wrapped tightly around him.

Nezumi has been my best friend since the beginning. I don't want to lose him just because his mum and dad can't find a a good enough job, this is so unfair. From all these years we have been inseparable we can not go through a day without seeing each other but today we have to go our separate ways.

"You know I don't want to go shion, but I promise reunion will come" nezumi assures me with a sad smile wiping away my tears, I force a smile as my heart drops at realisation that I'll only get to see him in the summer when I want to see him everyday.

"Promise?" I plead looking at his bloodshot eyes which were once a soft silver colour.

"I promise" I go into hug him again as it will probably be the last one for a while. I will miss him not being next door from me but mostly being here for me when I needed him and I being there for him, I was pretty much the only person who's seen him cry. I glance behind nezumi as the movers finish off loading the van.

Nezumi hesitantly pulled away from the hug and went to reach into his pocket to pull out what revealed to be some sort of necklace.

"here.. I was going to save this for your birthday but since I won't be here" he gestures me to turn around and I do.

"I guess I'll give it to you now" he trailed off reaching to move my hair to the side and clip the necklace around my neck and I swiftly turn back around.

"It's an infinity sign meaning we will be boyfriends till the end" nezumi smiles, nezumi had one of the best smiles.

"I have my own aswell" he shows me his, which sat perfectly around his neck, it was a cute gold necklace much like mine except mine was silver with gems half way across the infinity sign. I loved it

"Nezumi it's time to go" his dad 'mark' called out before  tenses up

Tears prick my eyes as we began to walk over to his car. I tried to stop the tears from escaping but it seemed impossible. I hope this was all just a bad dream and I will wake up and find nezumi laying next to me after sneaking into my bedroom window every night because our parents thought to end the sleepovers, but that didn't stop us.

nezumi climbed into the backseat next to his sister while I stood on the edge of the pavement dreading the moment the car pulls out of the drive.

We mouth quick "I love yous" and I cry even harder once I hear the engine of the car start. I feel a hand on my shoulder as I turn around to see safu come to stand beside me, her hand was gentle and soft but a little firm

We all wave goodbye towards the car as it pulls out the drive way and onto the road, until i could only see it slightly in the distance. I already miss him

I clung on to my necklace while I nuzzled my head into safu's neck letting my tears soak her plain black shirt as she rubbed my back "whenever you feel lonely talk to me, I'll always talk to you" safu whispers in my ear

My boyfriend was gone.

Day After Day: A Louis Tomlinson FanficWhere stories live. Discover now