Chapter 1

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|Levi's pov|

It was the middle of the night and rain was pouring down onto the city. I tried to shield myself from the rain by hiding inside of a cardboard box. It worked, but only for about a minute or so. Rain quickly piled up on top of the box which made it collapse and the water drenched me even more than I already was.

I quickly looked around for something to shelter me from the rain, but I found nothing. I sighed and just sat down against the wall of a building, letting the rainwater fall onto me.

I was shaking from the cold and I tried to keep myself warm with a makeshift blanket that I had made out of old newspapers, dining cloths that restaurants had thrown out, and some string.

|Erwin's pov|

I walked home from work with an umbrella in my hand and humming as I went along.

New York is always a busy city. No matter what time it was or what the weather was like.

As I was nearing my apartment building a heard small whimpers from down an alleyway. I slowly made my way down the alleyway until I came across a small, raven haired, neko that was shivering from the cold and was wrapped up in what appeared to be a makeshift blanket.

I held my umbrella out over him, not minding the rain that was now falling onto me. "Need help little one?" I asked in a soft tone.

The neko looked up at me as the umbrella blocked the rain from falling on him. He didn't say anything in response and just slowly nodded his head.

I lowered my hand down to him to help him up. He took my hand and slowly stood to his feet.

"Do you have any place that you call home?" I asked.

He shook his head in response.

"Well then I suppose I can take you home with me then. That is, if you'd be okay with that" I said. I was fairly certain that the neko would agree to coming home with me, but I didn't want to force him to since, based on some of the people in the city, he might not have the most trust with other people.

Levi's ears perked up at the offer of a place to stay and he quickly nodded his head.

I nod my head. "Okay good. Now let's go back to my house." I said and we both start walking down the street to my apartment building.

Once were about half way there I look down at the neko. "Do you have a name?" I asked. "My name is Erwin my the way."

The neko nodded his head. "Levi." He said.

I nod. "Ah. Interesting name, Levi. I like it."

A few minutes later we arrive at my apartment building.

|levis pov|

I look around at the inside of the huge building. It's clearly meant for higher class people.

The lobby of the building is huge with two diamond chandeliers hanging from the ceiling.

I look around at all of the people. Everyone there is dressed in fancy clothes and I feel extremely out of place since I'm wearing soaking wet, muddy, and torn up clothes.

The whole room is completely silent (except for some light music playing in the background) as we walk in. People stare at me and start mumbling to each other. Erwin clearly notices this because he starts hurrying us towards the elevator.

I look up at Erwin once we get into the elevator. "Did I do something wrong? Why were they all staring at me?" I ask.

Erwin looks down at me and shakes his head. "No, no. You didn't do anything wrong. You're just uh... not the cleanest at the moment. Don't worry about it." He said then ruffled my hair. He quickly wipes his hand off afterward and I'm guessing it's because of how dirty my hair is.

I look down at the ground and my eyes widen when I notice that I dragged in mud. I look around for something to wipe it up with and I try using my blanket but that's just as muddy and dirty as I am so it only makes the problem worse.

People start mumbling to each other about me the mess I'm making and I start to panic a bit.

I feel a hand gently grip my shoulder. I look up and see Erwin looking down at me. "No need for that Levi.. It's alright. I'll get someone to clean it up." He said.

I slowly nod my head and stand back up.

The elevator doors open and Erwin walks out and I follow close behind him.

I try not to drag anymore mud in with me but it doesn't work.

"Let's just get to my apartment and I'll get you all cleaned up. Okay Levi?" Erwin said.

I nod my head. "Okay."

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