Story Of My Life (vamp 1D)chapter 1

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I wake up to country music playing from my radio alarm. I roll over in my bed and slap the alarm clock. I groan and slowly get up out of bed. I walk to my closet and pick out a pair of navy blue skinny jeans and a red blouse. i grab my white pair of suspenders and then head to my bathroom. I take a hot shower and then get dressed. "meow" i looked out of the bathroom door to see my cat star meowing at me. i chuckle. "silly cat you are funny and show up at the most random times but good morning." i walked out and put on my red converse. i walked to the kitchen pantry and grabbed a can of friskies cat food. i know by now your thinking that i must spoil my cat, well the answer to that is yes, yes i do. anyway i forgot to introduce my self. i look at the clock. i have a half hour till i have to leave so i'll tell you. My name is chenoa sky Francine Burnett. I am 18 years old, i live in a one bedroom apartment with my cat star and a few stuffed animals. my favorite band is one direction, they are absolutely awesome in my opinion. my fav colors are red, blue, and green. I was kicked out of my house when i was 16, mom and dad didn't approve of my choices and still don't. I have one brother and a bff who is more like my sister. i work as a barista at a little cafe at the edge of town. sometimes it gets creepy walking home from work when i work double shift. anyway that is all i can say for now. i have to get to work. i grab my purse, phone, and sunglasses then walk out my door and lock it behind me. then i make the twenty minute walk to the cafe. once i get there, i tell jenny my coworker that her shift is over and ask her if she needs me to work a double shift. i mean sure i get the creeps walking home but it's worth the extra money. "yeah i need you to work the 1 to 10 shift along with your regular one, please?" she looks at me with pleading eyes. i smile. "sure jenny." "ok see ya tomorrow chenoa" "yeah see ya" i go to the back and clock in. i put on my apron thingy and walk out to the counter. i sit there waiting for a customer to come in. i had just started looking at my magazine when a guy walked in. he sat down, i walked over to his table. "good morning sir, may i ask what you would like to have this morning?" He spoke with a slightly deep voice, " yes i would like to have the Yorkshire tea and a pastry" "i will be back soon." he nods and i walk back to the back and get his pastry and fix his hot Yorkshire tea. once i fix it i put it on a serving tray and take it out to him. i get to his table and set his tea and pastry down, " will that be all sir?" he looks at me. "yes that will be all. thank you. " i smile and walk back behind the counter and start putting this morning's pastries in the glass showcase. while i'm doing that i feel eyes on me. i just shrug it off and finish the task at hand. the bell at the counter rings and the guy is there to pay. i smile and walk over there. I smile and ring him up. "that will be $7:50 sir." he hands me the money and i put it away and hand him his correct change. he smiles. "thank you for the amazing service my lady." he hands me a piece of paper. " text me if you want." i smile "have a good day-" "lou" "have a good day lou." he nods and walks out. i smile and then get back to my work. the day goes by and finally the last customer leaves and i clean the place up. i bring the showcase pans back to the kitchen and nicholaus thanks me. i smile. " well nick i'm leaving for the night." "ok have a safe trip home tonight." " i will. bye" "bye.' i walk out and grab my purse and phone. i put my sunglasses on top of my head as i lock the door behind me. i take my headphones out of my purse and plug them into my phone. i put my collection of music on low and put my headphones in. little things by one direction plays as i start my walk home. i just get past main street when i get to the alley that cuts between the block to my apartment. i walk into it. i pull one of my headphones out as i walk. i become very alert. i hear something clang and i stop. i turn around and see a small figure. i shine my pocket flashlight at it and it's just a little cat. i sigh and then turn back around. i walk to the end of the alley and suddenly i stop. at the other entrance of the alley there is a person. the person walks toward me slowly. i quiver a little. "w-who are you?" "aw such a sweetie" "w-what do you want?" he reaches me and i see that his eyes are a glowing red. my eyes widen. "i only want one thing my sweetie." suddenly i am swept to the side of the alley and pinned against the wall. "your blood my love." i shake in fear. " no no please no! i'll do anything!" "too bad" i think to myself.

wow i should have not taken that extra shift, but i did meet a new friend.. just when he is about to bite, he sniffs me. i think to myself, is he seriously sniffing me? seriously? then he pulls away from biting me and runs away. i stand there baffled for a minute. then i quickly walk home. i get in and put my stuff up. i fix myself some macaroni and cheese. (i love macaroni and cheese) then i put it in a bowl and go to my living room. i turn on the tv. i find my favorite show NCIS is on and i watch it. after it is over i wash my dishes and put them away. then i head to my bedroom and take out my pjs. i grab a towel and head to my bathroom. i turn on the shower and then get out and wrap the towel around me. then i walk into my bedroom, dry myself off and change into my pjs. i go to my window and open it slightly. then i set my alarm clock. i grab the piece of paper Louis handed me and i look at it. i smile and grab my phone out and put his number in. i decide to text him tomorrow. i put my phone on my nightstand and turn my lamp off. then i lay my head down on my pillow. i lay there for a while and finally i am able to fall asleep.

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