One Direction Fanfiction (Niall Horan)

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Beep Beep Beep Ugh time to get up to go to work. My name is Samantha, I live in London with my best friend and I work at Starbuck's. I am in love with One Direction, my favorite in the band is Niall ever since I watched them all audition for The X Factor I have been in love with them. I get in the shower and plug my ipod in and blasted the speakers its not just One Direction 24/7 I love Cher Lloyd too. Screaming at the top of my lungs Boy you can say anything you wanna I don't gave a shh no one else can have you I want you back I want you back want want, want you back I've broken up thinking you'd be crying now I feel like shh looking at you flying I want you back I want you back want want I want you back. My best friend was out of town because she was visiting her mom so I could sing whenever I wanted and dance whenever I wanted well not anything but most things. I got out of the shower, got dressed and I got some milk out of the fridge and I grabbed the lucky charms I know its not the healthiest breakfast but Lucky Charms are my favorite. I turned the TV on and went to MTV and I took a bite and the lady on MTV said that One DIrection are rumored to be in my town I literally spit my cereal back into my bowl and start freaking out. I was thinking I can not go to work today, I will call and say I can't come in today. I called my boss and talked in a tone that would hopefully convince my boss that I am ill. Even if One Direction aren't in my town I still need to go shopping. So my boss told me I didn't have to come in to work today YAY!!!! so I decided to change my outfit I put on a different outfit I had to look hot if I did run into One DIrection today. I put on some dark skinny jeans and put on a neon pink aeropostale shirt. and grabbed my Nike bag that goes on my back I didn't feel like carrying my purse around all day. I was ready to go now I head to my favorite stores. the first place I went to was Aeropostale and I got some new skinny jeans and a few new shirts then I went to Forever 21 and got a few new belts a pair of red platform heels and of course some new bracelets. I am walking with three shopping bags in my hands and I hear some girls screaming and I turn around and I see 5 hot boys being chased by tons of girls luckily I was wearing my converse so I could run so I ran as fast as I could and I got pushed into a black van with the 5 boys I have adored since I first saw them. They were all on the X Factor on TV. But I sat there frozen staring at them they all kind've looked shocked I don't know how to describe their faces jeeze. after about 30 seconds I managed to stutter y-y-our One Direction they said yes we are then they individually introduced themselves then I said I'm S-Samantha. Liam says that is a pretty name I said thanks. Still trying to process what is happening I notice Niall keeps staring at me. I feel like Niall doesn't like me he is the only one who hasn't said anything to me yet. Harry said " So Samantha how exactly did you get in here?" I answered with I don't know I guess I just got pushed in here. Zayn says "I can't believe security hasn't noticed you yet.". Louis says "So love what have you been doing today?" Shopping I say looking at my shopping bags. "Forever 21 and Aeropostale huh" Harry says. Yeah there my favorite stores "My sister's favorite store is Aeropostale too" Louis adds. Samantha if you mind if I ask how old are you Liam says, 19 I say Harry and Niall are 19 too Zayn says. I look over at Niall and he is looking out the window and I immediately look away and I now feel intimidated because I have probably been in this freaking car for like 20 minutes and Niall hasn't said a thing. Not that I should be one to be mad that he hasn't said anything but it seemed pretty rude. Liam saw me look at Niall and he said don't feel bad about Niall he is in a bad mood because he is tired. Niall looks at me and smiles I smile back. So Samantha do you live here in London Louis asks Wow Louis Harry says WHAT!! Louis yells I jump a little because I really wasn't expecting Louis to yell WHAT. You'd think I would expect that because I  pretty much stalk One DIrection but crazy thing is I DIDN'T. The black car starts to come to a stop and they all ask for my number even Niall I kind've just gave them my number and they each gave me their number. I got out of the car and they all said goodbye. I went and sat down on a bench that was nearby while trying to wrap my mind around what just happened I sat on the bench for about 10 minutes then after I get my breathing back to normal I called my BFF and told her what happened but she said she didn't believe me. I told we will call them tomorrow because that's when she gets home. I went home and it was about 4:00 PM. I decided just to eat dinner now and just watch TV and I totally forgot that tomorrow is Saturday which is totally awesome because I only work at Starbucks Wednesdays and Friday aftenoons.I decided I was going to run to McDonalds to get something to eat I didn't feel like making anything and by run I mean drive my car to Mcdonald's. When I get there I pull in to the drive-thru. I ordered a cheeseburger some fries and a small coke. I got home and sat on the couch and my phone went off. I looked at it and Niall texted me and he said "sorry that I was rude earlier today, I was in a bad mood do you wanna hangout? P.S This is Niall." I saw it and I was just like okay today I was in a car with One Direction I have their phone number and they have have mine and Niall texted me and asked if I wanted to hangout WOW I texted him back and I said don't worry about it and I'd love to hangout. He replied with do you want to meet somewhere? I said sure. about five minutes later he said do you want to meet at the McDonalds and then go somewhere after?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2014 ⏰

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