Who will be the ALPHA?

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The day had come Jade's personality has changed she is now the opposite to when she first came she it has been nearly a year now. She is definitely a tomboy a boisterous girl that's getting back what Chris wanted the alpha role she will take this role for him and complete her goal she isn't afraid no more she was filled with confidence. Jade got up immediately as soon as she saw the daylight it was summer the sun shinned brightly through her window. The moment she went to the window and opened it there was a strong breeze she stood for a minute and took a deep breath and thought to herself today is the day I am ready to strike for revenge. She got changed into a black vest and tracksuit bottoms and slides a note through the bottom of Jake's door. The note said...

Listen you beast I'm still not giving up without a fight did you really think I'm gonna let you get away with this. Meet the new future alpha right outside the laboratory if you ain't a coward.

Jade was waiting outside the laboratory patiently she knew she was ready she was been doing boxing and going to the gym for a while now she felt strong she must use this power she has gained to get what belonged to her love. She remembers another thing she saw in Chris's diary he was alpha before the bully beast joined the pack unfortunately Chris wasn't as loudly confident as Jake but he was stronger then him he always has been but too shy to fight back well today she'll do it for him and she ain't backing down till she achieve what she wants. A few minutes later Jade saw Jake walk up and also other people were following him as he stood opposite me everyone else circled us they must be the pack of body guards.
Jake announced to his pack"look everyone it's that stupid coward's silly crush who actually thinks she will be the next leading alpha(he starts to laugh) she really believes she can beat me."
Jade gets ready pissed off she grabs his neck put his head to ground with great strong force and grip Jake starts coughing and choking everybody reacted with shock Jade slowly slightly lift his head up.
Jade laughed"are you finished chocking around now(everyone starts laughing around me)let me repeat myself clearly to you one last time I'm here for business not to mess around like an "low life"joker."
Jake pulls himself away quickly then goes to hit her
Jade quickly moves away grabs his hand and slams it to the ground.
Jake screams"ouch you b***h my hand is broken coz of you... that's it I'm ending you now."
Jake immediately with anger punches Jade with his other hand on her nose she falls to the ground she quickly wipes the blood dripping out of her nose and runs straight into him he fell to the ground she kept on hitting him over and over again to the point where she punches his chest and he gets up and starts coughing out blood
Jade replied" that wouldn't be a bad idea since you killed Chris."
Jake moans in pain then finally falls to the ground he hits his head to the ground with a loud bang a huge cut was on his forehead and it had blood gushing out of it. Everyone around me started talking "Jake has given up","Jade has won" and "she's the new alpha female" soon one person went to Jade and told her to put her hand on Jake's heart and at midnight look at the place your heart is. So Jade did what she told her after she put her hand on his heart and stood up every body around me lowered their heads and altogether they said "alpha"
Jade raised her voice and announced"now everyone go back to your duties as before"
As soon as Jade said that every body guard there went straight back to their duties but one of them came to her and told her everything a new alpha needs to know. I asked that body guard "can you inform everyone else that I will be going on a quest for a while?"
then that body guard replied"yes alpha no worries I'm off duty so I'll let everyone know but Jake is still beta so he will be next in charge till you get back."
Jade says"that's fine well I'll see you around."
She made her way to Mr Jones(the scientist) and he told me the place and gave me a map. After that Jade went to pack clothes and other necessary supplies into Chris's army bag and then left the laboratory. It was about midday at the moment so she has to get to a safe area and build shelter soon before it's dark. As soon as she is in the woods she finds an area with two really large rocks they're opposite each other and space in between the two rocks she decides to use these as sides of her shelter she goes to the thicker trees and starts cutting off the thick tree trunks she used this for the roof of her shelter. After doing all that she notices the sky getting dark she goes into the shelter and after awhile she falls asleep but after a few hours later she hears something growling and horrible moans all around her she shakes with fear then something comes into her shelter she screams.... 

Sorry guys this character is shorter than the rest but I've been doing chapter 7 as well so I hope you enjoy this chapter still. 

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