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Phillip POV

Good I was able to get him away from the office and from thinking of that girl.  I had promised his mum that I would bring him to the restaurant today. I thought it was going be a hard task but it ended up being easier than I thought.

The twins I was talking about didn't even exist. Maybe they did somewhere out there but today. He hasn't been the same since that night at the club. His put everything on hold trying to find that girl and he doesn't know her name.  Luckily I was here to pickup his slacks at the office.

"Did you want to take your car?" That brought me to reality.

"What did you say?" I asked.

"Did you want to take your car? He asked again.

"I'll drive this time." I can't believe that I agreed with his mum on this. He won't find out that I set him up.

"I'm glad that we are going there now instead of this weekend. I don't have to deal with my mum trying to set me up with someone crazy." He said climbing into my car.

"Your lucky that you have a mum that at least cares for you." I said getting pissed. See my mum left me and my dad when I was five. I can remember that day like it was yesterday. My dad had picked me up from from school which was weird.

Flash Back 23years ago

"Daddy why are you picking me up." I asked

"Mummy called me saying she wasn't able to pick you up. So I left work to come and get my buddy." He said picking me up.

"Otay she will be home when I get there." I said.

"Of course she'll be home." He said

20 minutes later we got home and the house was quite and I didn't smell any food. My dad closed the front door and walked into the house looking for my mum. The house always smelled good cause of her cooking but noting today. A second later he comes out with a piece paper in hand all crumbled up. He picks up the phone and calls someone and didn't know who.
End flashback

I remember new Tomas mum was taking me. You could say that I lost both my parents that day. I didn't the whole story about what happened. That's why I can't get close to any woman Tomas is the only one I can trust and she like a mum to me.

"Are you going to drive or should I drive. What is wrong you?" Tomas said grabbing my keys.

"Nothing I was just thinking," I said. "Let's just go."
Tomas POV

Something is up with Phillip and I don't want to ask. Maybe he will tell mum's what's going on.

I pull up to the restaurant and it was so packed. I been here to visit my parents in a while. I didn't see my mum at the front which was weird because she was always up front. Phill goes to grab a table. I head to the back of the restaurant. While I was heading back door I see to girls walking out the office. My mum hugs them both and the leave. One of the girls looked familiar and I couldn't put my finger. I stood there behind the wall. When they left I headed toward the office.

Opening the door to her office. She looked up at me. "Mio figlio è venuto a farmi visita" she said with a smile on her face.

"Ciao mamma," I said walking over to her and kissing her checks.

"Ora cosa devo questo piacere?" She asked

"Volevo farvi visita e papà. Inoltre Phillip mi ha fatto venire." I said.

"Phillip è venuto con te?" She said with excitement in her voice.

What is going on? I thought to myself. My mum is up to something.

"Mamma, che erano quelle ragazze che hanno lasciato qui?"

"Oh what girls," was her respond.

I know she was up to something because she doesn't like to speak to me in English. Okay I'll play her game. I want to know who that girl is that left. I know I've seen her before but still didn't know where and when I've seen her. For some reason I feel a connection to this girl. I have to find out who she is. I might have to come to the restaurant more.

"Let me go get my boys something to eat. Go seat at the table and I'll bring it out to you guys in a few." She said kissing my cheek.
Enuka POV

I guess we found our new place to eat. I said rubbing my belly that wasn't showing yet. The placed smelled really and it tasted even better. Thinking about it is making me hungry all over again.

"Sarah is it okay if I go back to the restaurant tomorrow," I asked.

She looked at me weird. "Your grown and can do whatever. You don't need my permission."

"Tomorrow I want to go job hunting. I'll call an uber driver." I said.

"No you will not waste money. Drop me off at work in the morning and take my car." She said.

I knew she would give me her car. My mind went back to the restaurant. That was just weird how that lady I've never met before knew I was pregnant and to say babies. That freak me out. I'm not ready to be a mum to 1 baby let alone more than one. I hope she's wrong. Since I'm back here I can start looking for the baby father so I can let him know.
My son came to visit me- Mio figlio è venuto a farmi visita-Now what do I owe this pleasure? -Ora cosa devo questo piacere?
I wanted to visit you and dad. Plus Phillip made me come. -Volevo farvi visita e papà. Inoltre Phillip mi ha fatto venire.
Phillip came with you?-Phillip è venuto con te?
Mom, who were those girls that left here? -Mamma, che erano quelle ragazze che hanno lasciato qui?

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