not even the gods above (can separate the two of us) *larry one shot*

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okay so i wrote this for ao3 and i originally wasnt going to post it here bc i didnt want to make a cover, but i gave in and yeah, its 18k just about, so have fun:) ( and apparently its too long for one part, so i put in two((((((: )

Louis was normal. He went to his classes during the week, went to parties on weekends, paid his rent at the end of every month, and visited his family as often as a hardworking uni student could. He was normal.

In fact, his life was so ordinary, his alarm forgot to go off in the morning and he ended up sleeping in halfway through his morning lecture. Stan is a bitch for not waking him up.

He swears under his breath, pulling on a shirt over his head and grabbing his bag from his desk chair. He quickly slips on his shoes, racing out of his room and to the kitchen, wear Stan is leaning against the counter, waiting for the kettle to boil.

“You could've woken me up.” Louis mumbles, going straight for the fridge and grabbing his water bottle from inside. Stan rolls his eyes, grabbing a mug from the cabinet when the kettle begins to make that horrid shrieking sound.

“Seeing as it's Saturday, I really shouldn't of.” He replies, taking the kettle off the stove and pouring water into his mug. Louis furrows his eyebrows, taking his phone out of his pocket and checking the date, seeing that it is, in fact, Saturday. “Did you want a cuppa?”

“No.” Louis groans, shutting the fridge door shut and trudging off to his best room, making a point to slam that door as well. He instantly regrets his answer, getting back into bed, laying down and realizing he could've done with a morning cup of tea. His pride is too high to go back out and ask for one, though, so he decides to wait until Stan leaves for work to make himself a cuppa.

Then again, Stan knows him far too well and his knocking on his door in a matter of minutes, opening it slowly and holding out a mug of tea for Louis. “I know you.”

Louis smiles, sitting up and reaching his hand out. Stan hands him the mugs, turning around and beginning to head out. “Thank you Stanley.” Louis says before Stan leaves his room. He can't see his face, but he's certain that Stan rolled his eyes before exiting the room and shutting the door behind him.

Louis places the mug on the nightstand beside him and grabs his laptop from the foot of his bed. At leas he knows he has more time to work on his Music Theory essay.

“The amount of take out we have in here is unbelievable.” Louis mutters to himself, grabbing a Tupperware container that has some weird type of food in it that may or may not resemble the Thai noodles they ordered three weeks ago. The glamorous life of two Uni Students always finds some way to amaze Louis, whether it be the huge load of laundry or the spoiled food in the fridge.

He pulls the trash been towards him, dumping out all of the left over take out he can find in the fridge. He can't believe the amount of pizza they could order in only a month.

The front door opens and in come Stan with, Louis's favorite, pizza. “I got dinner.” Louis scrunches his nose in disgust, dumping out the last of the peri-peri chicken and standing up straight. Pizza. It's always gotta be pizza, doesn't it. Why not ever pasta, or maybe wings or something different.

not even the gods above (can separate the two of us) *larry one shot*Where stories live. Discover now