part 2

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Louis had seen Athena's temple online and in textbooks, but he never thought he'd actually see the real thing, standing right in front of him. He feels like if he steps inside, he's gonna wake up and it's gonna end up being just a dream. He's still kind of hoping it is all a dream, but so much time has gone by that he's thinking that this could only be reality.

Harry is right beside him, waiting for Louis to make the initial move and knock on the doors to the temple. Louis didn't know when to, so instead he just stood in front of it as if it would open on it's own.

“You've gotta knock, Louis.” Harry nudges him towards the door, giving a warm smile when Louis looks back at him nervously.

This was it. He was going to knock on the door and meet the woman he didn't even know existed up until the night before.

He takes a deep breath, shutting his eyes and rapping on the doors to the temple. It made a loud sound, one Louis wasn't used to hearing whenever he knocked on someone's door. Then again, no one he knew lived in a temple, so that may have something to do with it.

The door opens slowly, to which Harry scoffs and mumbles “so dramatic” underneath his breath. Louis smiles at his comment, but the smile is quickly erased when he sees who's standing on the other side. He didn't expect her to be at the door, don't Gods have servants or something? He wasn't prepared to meet her so fast, what does he say to her?

“Mum?” He chokes out and he's certain that he's going to start crying again. She smiles at him and it almost seems as if she's going to cry as well.

She was so much more beautiful in person than the drawings and statues he's seen online. She had long brown wavy hair and was stood only a few inches taller himself. She had on a silky light blue robe, with designs sewn into it. Her lips were as red as roses (but Louis was still infatuated with Harry's) and she had beautiful blue eyes, which Louis had never known from the drawings online, but now he knows where he had gotten his from.

“Louis.” She whispers, a few tears streaming down her face. Louis forgets everything he was thinking about, running towards her and wrapping his arms around her. His mother was right there. He was touching her, she was hugging him, she was actually real. Forget the fact that she was a Goddess, he actually had a mum and the proof was right there.

“I can't believe it.” He says softly, not sure of what else to say. What else was there to say. This wasn't exactly the time to talk about the weather (although he'll remember that the next time he wanted to start a conversation with Liam).

They stay in their embrace for a moment, the both of them scared that the other will disappear if they let go. Louis's the first to pull away,looking at her with such brightness and curiosity in his eyes. He feels like a kid again, full of questions and wonders and it's all just happening so fast that he doesn't know what to ask first.

Athena moves to the side, inviting both him and Harry in without saying a word yet. Louis hesitantly enters, Harry and Athena both following him. “You've grown.” Is the first thing Athena say.

Louis nods enthusiastically, scared to say the wrong thing. “Yeah.” He says, seeing it was the only thing to say without making himself seem like a total dumbarse.

not even the gods above (can separate the two of us) *larry one shot*Where stories live. Discover now