Just For Now

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A/N: Warning; boy x boy action. A longer piece with 2 553 words. *Contains some mature content, may be removed and reposted separately at a later date.*
An incessant tapping over a glass pane finally roused me from my well-earned slumber and I pried my heavy lids open to glare sleepily at my window. 'Let me in, asshole,' snarled a voice from beyond the locked panel. A large portion of my being insisted that I remain buried beneath my quilt, close my eyes and ignore the voice from outside. The tapping continued as I fluttered my eyes closed, summoning the mental will and finally busting ass out of bed when the tapping turned into pounding. Still clutching a pillow to my chest and blinking heavily, my right hand fumbled in the dark for the tiny window key, shoving it roughly into the hole and clicking open the lock.

'About fucking time, Adam,' the younger, taller boy grumbled as he ungracefully clambered through the relatively small window space. His gangly limbs seemed to bend at abnormal angles as he weaseled his way onto the slightly elevated hardwood floor. Upon entering the bedroom, Bryson immediately (much to the irritation of his older (and neater) friend, myself) tracked mud right across the floor, kicked off his trashy sneakers and began to strip off his dirty layers.

Against my own will, I found my eyes caressing my younger friend's body, only darting away when Bryson paused to stare back. 'Close the window and get your gay ass back into bed, it's freezing.' My cheeks were probably flushed crimson as I re-locked the window, tossed the key down on my desk and crawled back into bed beside my best friend. We rolled in towards one another almost in synchronisation, grey and green eyes meeting in a shared moment unique to us.

'They're fighting again?' My sleepy voice whispered, the words swirling between us in the cold winter air. A soft nod was the only answer received and I immediately pulled Bryson into my arms, feeling his skinny ones wrapping around me as I lay a soft kiss upon his untamed black locks. Pressing our bodies together, tugging the covers up around our entwined bodies and closing my eyes, I drifted to sleep on the sound of my younger friend's deep breathing.


'Wake up, stupid, you're crushing me to death,' a small voice mumbled the following morning from beneath a large sixteen year old boy. Bryson shifted slightly from his place on top of his friend, though only to snuggle closer and press his lower half against Adam's backside. The older boy's eyes widened and he tensed as a flash of heat coiled in his gut. 'Bryson, get off!' Although his arms were all but pinned beneath him, one being entirely numb from the shoulder blade down, he attempted to shift and flail his upper body. The younger boy finally let up, rolling onto his back and away from Adam's flustered form. The latter sat up, glancing down at his lap quickly before his plump cheeks reddened further.

'Whazzup man?' As per usual, Bryson's voice was slurred from sleep as though he had drunk several pints of significantly strong alcohol. His grey eyes fluttered over to the other boy and surveyed his seated posture (settled casually atop his own legs); hands folded together on his lap and brightly tinged cheeks. A soft ray of light drifted through the thin curtains, turning Adam's curly chocolate hair caramel and his moss-green irises emerald. Freckles littered the young man's entire body, countless markings creating a beautiful and uncommon pattern. 'You're beautiful.' A sharp smack resounded on the teen's bicep and he flinched away, snapping a hasty 'what the fuck.'

'Don't say that to me!"

'Why the fuck not? I'm just callin it as I see it.'

'Because you're hot, I'm gay and we've just woken up together.' The two boys stared at one another for several moments, sexual tension churning the air and stirring within the stomachs of both males.

'I'll take care of yours if you'll take care of mine.' Bryson suddenly sounded far more sober, his eyes like storm clouds as they bore into the older boy. 'It wouldn't be the first time,' he quipped, as a cheeky expression graced his solid features.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2017 ⏰

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