The Accident

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Its been a while since I wrote anything, mostly bc i've just been busy with school and life. Here goes nothing! lol.


Noah POV:

The last few weeks have been the same. Wake up, school, come home, cuddle, then sleep. Brendon has gotten shit the past few weeks, for I have no idea what. But there's only a few weeks left until graduation. I know he can make it.

It was Friday, the last day before spring break. This was the last day before Brendon and I were free from the nightmare of school for 2 weeks. 

I got out of bed, and grabbed a light blue button down shirt and a pair of black skinny jeans from the closet and walked into the bathroom. I started the shower, and stepped in. I washed myself quickly, before stepping out of the shower. I put my clothes on, and did my hair and walked out of the bathroom. I walked out of the bathroom and over to brendon's side of the bed to find him fast asleep, with a smile planted on his face. I leant down, and pressed a soft, gentle kiss onto his forehead. His eyes slowly opened, and he pulled me in for a hug. I hugged him back, and eventually broke the hug. "Brendon, get up. Last day of school before we have spring break." "Mhm, don't wanna." he mumbles. Without hesitation, I pick him up out of bed, and he starts flailing his arms and legs. "Noah put me down!!!!" he whines. I walk over to th living room couch and plop him down onto it. "What was that for?" he asks me. "I don't know. You wouldn't get up." I chuckle. He gets up off the couch and punches me in the shoulder before walking into the bedroom and getting changed. Within 20 minutes, Brendon is out from the bedroom, and waiting in the kitchen, eating a bown of cereal. "Brendon, hurry up we gotta leave!" I shout from the living room, and before I knew it, Brendon  has his backpack over his shoulder and is standing next to me. I smile and pull him into a hug and kiss him on the forehead. We head out the door and get in the car to drive to school. 

*time skip* (a few hours)

School went by fairly quickly today, mostly because it was the day before spring break. When the bell rang at the end of the day, all the students rushed out of the classroom like a heard of bulls. Oh well, I didn't really care, mostly because this was the start of the 2 weeks where me and Brendon could spend the most time together. Right as I was getting my stuff ready to leave, I heard a small sound from behind me (classroom door closing), and before I knew it, I was being squeezed tightly from behind. I laugh and turn around, to reveal Brendon looking at me and still hugging me. I hug him back and say, "Ready to go?" He nods his head, and we both walk out of the classroom, trying not to be so obvious, even though there was nobody around. We go outside and get into the car, and we start to drive. Instead of taking the usual way to my house, I decided to take the long way through the forest. We stopped at a stop sign that was placed at the corner of the only other road for a while. As I check, nothing was coming, so I pulled out. All of a sudden, I see another car speed up, and then, it hits us, sending us off the road, and flipping once into the woods. 

I wake up after what seems like forever, and I check myself over. I'm not severely hurt, just a few scrapes and bruises since my side didn't take the impact. Then I remember that Brendon was on my right. I quickly turn over to see Brendon, eyes closed with a huge gash on his head, blood on his face, and what looks like to be a few broken bones. I quickly check his pulse to make sure he is still with me, and thankfully he is. After checking Brendon out, I hop out of the car to look around for the other car. I run up to the road, but I see nothing, except the debris from my car. 

I run back to the car, and grab my phone from my bag. I dial 9-1-1 and soon the operator picks up. I tell them everything that has happened and the location and that they will be here soon. While waiting for the ambulance, I go and sit back inside the car, just to keep an eye on Brendon. 20 minutes pass, and I hear sirens in the distance. I get out of the car and walk away so they can get Brendon out of the car. 

After another 30 minutes pass, the firemen finally pry the smashed in door off of  the car, revealing a bleeding, hurt Brendon in the passenger seat. They put a brace around his neck, and then gently lift him out of the car and place him onto the streatcher. "Do you want to go with him?" A paramedic approaches me and asks me. I nod my head yes, trying to stifle my tears. I Walk over to the car to get our bags, and then walk back to the ambulance and sit in the back next to Brendon. I put the bags on the floor when the doors close, I held Brendon's hand tightly, and he squeezed back, letting me know he was with me. I rested my head down next to his body, and cried, knowing that this could have been avoided, and that it was all my fault. I fell asleep next to Brendon on our way to the hospital. All that mattered was that he was going to be ok. At least thats what I thought.



Ok so its my first update in like a month and it kinda jumps around a little. I wanted to come back with something that maybe would be like kinda sad. It jumps around a few times but I hope you enjoyed it. Thanks :)

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