Sense Of Belonging

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You see others laughing in the distance, hanging out with their buddies. While you sit alone, with the darkness of the night hiding you from plain sight. You grow more depressed at the thought of the fact that you don't belong anywhere or with anyone. You are isolated from the rest of the world. Darkness is your only friend. You want to obtain what others have already achieved. What they have developed far before you have. A sense of belonging. You want to be a piece that fits a puzzle. And you have a strong desire that fills your heart to the brim. You pray that your day will come. When the sun beams onto you like a spotlight. Absorbing the darkness within your soul.

Hey guys, Kaylitas here with a kind of poem, if that's what you want to call it. This piece of literature was originally my introduction for our opinion piece for school. I wanted to make an introduction that describes the feeling of not yet obtaining the sense of belonging. My topic. I hope you all enjoyed my brief musing and have a great day! - Kaylitas

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