Welcome To Slender Manor

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-BEN's P.O.V.-

I walk into the kitchen, expecting to be met with screams of horror, only to be met with a sniffling girl, no older than me. She glances up at me, wiping away her tears. "W-who are you?" She asked, her shaky voice present from her crying. "My name is BEN" I replied with, hoping that she doesn't get scared. Even though I am a murderer, it doesn't mean I hate being accepted...or cared about. "Why are you crying?" I ask, keeping my voice steady. "Why are you i-in my house?" She sniffled, her humour clearly chosen as a coping mechanism for dealing with uncomfortable situations. "hehe. yeah." (A/N: I meant for it to be lowercase. To me it just flows better, ok?) "But, seriously. What's wrong?" I ask, sympathy showing. (It may be rare, but BEN can be a good person.

(Y/N) quickly got up from her position on the floor, tears no longer evident on her face. "Nothing!" She exclaims, a bright smile taking over her face. "Just getting ready to go to the store." She replied, turning around to grab what looks like a notebook. She reaches across the counter to grab a pen, then turned around again. 

-Your sexy booty's P.O.V.- (BEN made me do it ok?)

I turned around to make it look like I am grabbing a journal and a pen, (I know that sentence sounds horrible, but it will make sense it a minute okay?) and as I bent over the counter, I felt a pair of eyes on my ass. God, he is just begging to die, isn't he?  I reached over the counter, grabbed the the gun my dad kept in the kitchen in case of emergencies. Thanks, Dad. I silently double-check that the magazine is full. Swiftly turning around, I pulled the gun forward, taking aim right between his eyes. He looks back at me for a moment, stunned. His eyes suddenly darken, the previous black now seeming an abyss of darkness. Nopity-nope-nope-nope. I pull the trigger, unloading about four bullets right in between the eyes. He falls back, and I run to the cupboard, just left of the stove to retrieve my bag. A static sound surrounds me. I can't get away. I can't move, I can't see, I can't think. Darkness.


"Dad, why do we have to do this again?" I had asked, wondering why in the world he was taking so many precautions for no apparent reason. 

"You'll understand when you're older, (Y/N)." He replied, not taking his eyes away from the bag he was currently packing.  

4 guns. 1,000 rounds. 18 full clips. 5 outfits. 1 first-aid kit. 5 protein bars. 2 bottles of water. 

Infinite silence.


I woke up on a couch, in an unfamiliar room. Looking around, I saw two people playing video games in the next room, a little girl playing with her teddy bear, two girls chatting in the corner, two people in orange and yellow hoodies, a giant clown, and a kid with a blue mask on.

"Fuck me." I mumbled under my breath. 

"Gladly." A familiar voice answered, I froze, turning around with an intimidating smirk placed on my lips. "Oh?" I asked, looking at the familiar blond. "Try me, bitch." I said, getting off the couch and shoving past him. I felt a small tap on my ass. Quickly turning, I moved to deck him in the face. Catching my fist, a mere three inches from his face, he laughs a loud, irritating laugh. (Jesus how may commas were needed for that sentence?) "You act as though I won't." He smirks, dropping my fist. I let it fall, it hitting my side. I let out a small laugh. "I said it as an invitation. Do you actually think I'm scared of you? What are you? An egotistical 12 year-old?" I turn, heading to walk into the place and figure out where in the hell I was. A scoff was heard behind me. "Whatever." He pouted, a small smirk making it's way to my face.

A/N: Okay! I know it has been a long time since I made a new chapter, but I just haven't been very inspired for this book. I know that this chapter is fairly short, but I have been sitting on publishing this for a while. I really hope this is up to your standards. ALSO!!


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