The talk

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-------------------------Past -------------------------
"What are you doing here, in the middle of the night??" Someone asked.
"I..I don't know. I wanted to see you again. It's been such a long time.", Paul replied.
?: "I see. Come in."
Paul entered the apartment. He sat down on the couch and though whether he should tell ? about what happened.
"We need to talk." He said
? was surprised: "Is this some kind of breakup talk???"
"No no I swear it's not...although you might want to break up with me after you hear this.." said Paul.
?: "No, I would never."
Paul: "Ok then"
?: "You know I love you. Now, what do want to talk about."
Paul: "Something happened a couple days ago."

Paul talked to ? for a while, telling ? the full story.
"...and then I decided to go to your apartment, but when I stood at the door I hesitated"
?: "I see, but about your eyes. I don't see it. They are just as beautiful as always."
When Paul heard this he blushed a little and said: "Maybe only I can see it..?"
?: "Or maybe only in the mirror..?"
"That's a possibility too.", replied Paul.

They got up and walked into the bathroom. When ? saw Paul's eyes he screamed out of horror: "Oh god your eyes are black"
"I know, but I have no idea what's happening!!", said Paul, in panick, "I think this has something to do with that evil spirit, but that's all I know."
?: "I know someone who might know more about this..."
Paul: "Really?? Who??"
?: "Google."
Paul: "Of course." Paul does a facepalm. ? grabs their phone, opens google and starts typing. 'What do black eyes mean'

?: "Ugh, I can't find anything, only weird stuff about personalities

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?: "Ugh, I can't find anything, only weird stuff about personalities."
Paul: "Keep scrolling."
? keeps scrolling for a while, when they finally find a site.
"Here, 'spirits and eyes' on a website all about spirits. Let's see."

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