Chapter 12: Cock Eating Asshole

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"Morning", I say as I glance in Kaitlyn's direction. She stumbles a bit as she presses her hand to the side of her head, looking over towards me as she smacks her lips. "What the hell happened last night?"

"You got shit-faced drunk", I say as I look back towards my phone in my hands. I sigh as I play a different game, crossing my legs before frowning a bit. "You also puked all over me, which was fan-fucking-tastic by the way. I didn't know that your 'thank you' was going to be vomiting on me. If I'd known, I wouldn't have given you a piggy back ride here."

I grimace as I recall her her heaving onto the back of my neck. Who knew she had all of that crap in her stomach. Hell, if I knew, I would've left her in the bathroom back at the fast food restaurant.

"Oh", is all that she says, her voice coming out in croaks as she walks to the fridge. "It's not like I did it on purpose", she mutters and I scoff as I move my phone away from my face to look at her. Obviously she had the knowledge to even drink that much alcohol in the first place, so technically she knew what she was getting herself into, but whatever- and is she really not going to thank me for hauling her ass back to the apartment?? Fucking pest...

"You're not even going to say thank you for bringing you safely home? Wow, what an ill-mannered child you are-"

"Says the one that stomps their foot on the ground when they're mad", she replies sarcastically as she pulls a pitcher of clean water out of the fridge. She closes the door shut and sends me a glare as she rests the pitcher onto the counter. "And yes, I'm still mad at you."

I roll my eyes. "You'll get over it."

"For an angel, you're a real asshole", she says as she takes a plastic cup from the cupboard, pouring herself some water. I scoff as I toss my phone on the coffee table beside me. "Yea, I'm a total asshole for bringing you home, cleaning your messy ass up, and tucking you safely in bed. Sue me."

I watch as she hesitates before drinking a sip of water, wincing a bit as she holds the side of her head. Oh yea, humans get hang overs if they drink too much. I wonder what that feels like?

"Do you think you can describe what your hangover feels like", I ask and she chokes on her water. I grimace at how the water spills from her mouth a bit and she clears her throat. "I forgot, you don't exactly know what a hangover feels like."

"Nope, so intrigue me."

She sighs as she places her cup of water on the counter. "My head feels like it's splitting- everything makes my head feel like it's eating itself. I'm tired, dizzy, and ridiculously nauseous."

"Interesting", I reply as I sit up, grabbing my phone from the table and sticking it in my pocket. I stand up just as Kaitlyn sluggishly begins to walk back to her room. I tilt my head, "Where are are you going?"

She stops and turns to glare at me. "I feel like shit. I just want to be alone-"

I interrupt her with a roll of my eyes. "No, we have stuff to do today. Get dressed and hurry, or else I'll dress you myself."

She groans as she rubs her forehead. "What the fuck is there to do today? I have no classes, so I don't need to go out, and I'm fucking dying right now-"

"You're not", I sigh as I turn her around to push her into her room and towards her closet, "You would know if you were dying, trust me."

Once I push her towards the closet, I make my way towards her bedroom door and leave, closing it shut while leaning against the wall besides the door frame. My thoughts begin to wander as I wait for her to finish, my arms crossing over my chest. Are hangovers really that bad? How does one cure a hangover? Is a hangover similar to a sickness of some sort? Would medicine help?

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