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Going out to explore the forest had been always her dream. Even if she gets to look at it, she'll be satisfied.

Sophia looked out the high window, her night purple gown swishing to the direction the wind blew. Resting her head onto her hands, she looked up to see the cresent moon that glows with the stars to lighten the dark night sky.

"They said wish upon a star, and my dreams will come true," Sophia whispered peacefully, her green eyes illuminated in the light of the moon.

"So I wish to at least look at the forest that was said to be filled with dangerous creatures that no one defeated yet," Sophia's brunette ponytail hung over her shoulder, her head lowering desperately.

"I don't care if I am young, at least I have my energy, unlike the elder ones," She whispered pleadingly. "Please,"

Sophia was only ten, yet she has the brain to even know that she will lose her energy when she gets older.

Finally getting ready to sleep, Sophia raised her head and her hands did not support her head's weight anymore. She took a few steps forward towards her room that was glinting purple in color. Staring at her princessy bed that was surrounded by the translucent purple curtains, she made way of the curtains just to sleep in the bed.

Pulling the covers, Sophia was on the bed, using the covers as a blanket and slept peacefully, her hands under her head.

Next morning, Sophia woke up to the sound of birds chirping happily. Again, the Kingdom of Pattercliff transformed to the lively place people would go to sell fruits, vegetables, and meat that would mostly be of fish.

"Another day, another batch of a thousand people selling different kinds of goods," Sophia sarcastically yelled softly. Her brown hair that was once tied up nicely into a ponytail, now just a big ball of messy hair covered her eyes and nose, wiggled as she shook her head, trying to make the hair part from her eyes.

"Really unladylike, I know," Sophia grumbled to herself. She got out of bed, too lazy to even make her bed.

Suddenly, she heard a knock on her purple cellar door. "Who is it?" She yawned, opening the door to reveal a maid carrying a wooden tray that was occupied by bacon from the cow and eggs from the hen.

"Hello, mistress. The Queen has decided that you will have breakfast in your bed, since she and the King have a very important meeting to attend. Now, as long as I am here, would you like a cup of tea, or fresh cow milk?" The maid asked patiently, now waiting for an answer.

"Oh, uh, a cup of tea would be great. Just some sugar will do as well, just to sweeten the taste. Thank you, miss," Sophia answered politely, smiling widely at the maid.

The maid replied with a smile, too, placing the tray on Sophia's hands. "Eat now, don't make a mess, or I will have to clean it, is that alright, mistress?" The maid nurtured Sophia.

Sophia sighed, both in acceptance and frustration. "Yes, miss."

"You may eat your breakfast now, mistress." The maid walked out of the room, leaving Sophia with the tray of food in her hands.

Sophia walked towards the bed and sat on it. Getting ready to eat the food, the door was open, and there was the maid, holding a saucer, a cup of tea, and a teaspoon.

"Here is your tea, mistress," The maid spoke. "The flavor is vanilla, your favorite. And I added the sugar, so don't worry."

"Thank you," Sophia replied gleefully. The maid gestured her to hold the cup carefully, as it was hot. Sophia slowly took the cup and placed it on the tray.

"Enjoy your meal."

With that spoken by the maid, the maid walked out of the room, but before that, she opened the windows to let cool air come in and cleanse their lungs.

Taking a first sip of the vanilla flavored tea, and eating the egg with her knife and fork, Sophia licked her lips, as it was really delicious.

"Huh. This stuff tastes like heaven." Sophia commented, her mouth full of food that was being chewed by her teeth.

Meanwhile, the Queen looked out of the window, hoping her husband would answer her question. "Why would we ever put our little princess in danger, dear?" The Queen asked again. The King just stared at the floor, his head filled with regrets and doubts.

"Your Majesty, your contact for the meeting has arrived." The butler bowed as the King gestured to get the door open, revealing a life-sized fairy from afar. Her wings hided under her blue gown, her blonde hair blocking the entrance to her hair.

"Your Majesty, what meeting are we going to talk about?" The fairy questioned, tightening her blue staff that she held.

"I see that you are eager to know our problems that are happening here in the Pattercliff kingdom." The King smiled politely, resting his arm on the armrest.

"Ever since you blessed our daughter with your water magic, she wants to go to the enchanted forest, you know—the one with all those creatures that no one has ever defeated." The King's tone showed his worry for Sophia.

The fairy sighed, the cooling air escaped from her lips. "I don't know what is the problem, your Majesty."

"The problem is that our beloved daughter might die from those creatures if we let her go." The King's head pressed on the head of the chair, looking very patient and relaxed, but worried at the same time.

"There is a wish that called onto me by her. Even if she gets to look at it, she will be satisfied. How about we talk about this later? I don't know what else to say." The fairy spoke, looking down.

"It's fine, I just need to know if you are aware of this matter." The King said patiently.

The Queen stood quiet the whole time—that was because she couldn't even answer. She was too worried to even say any word.

Meanwhile, Sophia just finished her food, ready to place the wooden tray on the sink.

As she walked downstairs to the kitchen, she was stopped by the Queen, also known as, her mother.

"Sophia, my dear, you have food on your mouth," The Queen spoke patiently.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, mother," Sophia apologized, wiping off the food from her mouth quickly.

"That is okay, sweetie. Did you sleep well?" Sophia's mother asked, brushing the fringe away from Sophia's green eyes.

"Yes, I just wished upon a star!" Sophia grinned happily.

"Which is?"

"I want to at least look at the enchanted forest." Sophia said coolly.

The Queen was taken aback, but relieved at the same time.

Sophia of LancocliffWhere stories live. Discover now