The Prince

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"Sophia, my dear, you know it is still dangerous, even though you get to look at it." Sophia's mother reminded her, with a knowing smile.

"But mother-!"

"No more buts, my child."

Sophia hung her head down in disappointment, but still she had to show respect towards the elders, so Sophia ended the conversation with a "Yes, mother." And walked down with the wooden tray.

As Sophia placed the wooden tray on the sink carefully, she then noticed something weird.

A shade of blue covered Sophia's original skin color on her hand. Later, water poured out from the palm in her hand.

"Oh my good—" Sophia was cut off by the fairy, that was standing beside her.

"Hush now, little child. I know you just found out, but please, try to control it." The fairy hushed little Sophia while placing her hands on Sophia's head.

"Who are you?" Sophia's eyes squinted, asking the fairy for an answer.

"There is nothing you need to know about me, I'm just a water fairy queen. I'll tell you more about it later, but first, try to use your powers to wash the tray. Don't ask why—because I want to see if you can actually control summoning the water from your hands." With this spoken by the fairy, Sophia nodded and proceeded to try out her magic.

She reached out her hands and out came the water, the water suddenly doing the cleaning for her, completed with soap.

"That is well done, Sophia. Come with me, I shall tell you more about your magic. Come!" The fairy reached out your hand and Sophia took it.

As they were climbing the staircase up towards the balcony, Sophia asked, "Why can't you fly?"

The fairy just replied with a sigh. "I told you, I will tell you later when we are at the balcony." That made Sophia quiet.

Meanwhile, the sentries lin shiny silver armor were scanning the whole of Pattercliff, suddenly spotted a black colored horse racing towards the castle, carrying what seems to look like an unconscious young prince, maybe about the same age as Sophia.

"Sound the bells! We have an unconscious prince ahead of us!" The commander ordered the sentries to lower the bridge, so that the horse would not fall into the muddy moat that surrounds the golden castle of Pattercliff. But then the bridge broke, now all of its remains in the muddy moat. The horse neighed desperately, while stopping at the edge so sudden.

The fairy and Sophia were at the balcony already when this happened—but the fairy somehow knew this would happen.

"I'll handle it," Was all that the fairy responded. She lifted the staff and water came out, sending blue little fairies to go on the same direction as the water came. Somehow, the water formed into a blue bridge, decorated with blue little fairies on each side.

The fairy raised her other hand and chanted something, making the blue bridge strong for the horse's weight. The horse then raced to the entrance of the kingdom, desperately trying to hold on to the unconscious prince, that he might've been left behind if the horse would not be so careful.

After the horse reached the other end, the blue bridge evaporated into thin air.

Amazed of what the fairy has done, Sophia stayed quiet, her feet rooted to the ground.

Sophia opened her mouth, as if to say something, but nothing came out, so she closed it. Her eyes widen in amazement, as she turned to look at the fairy, who was now lowering her hands. One with the staff, and one that is bare.

"That was amazing..." Sophia's words trailed off. She was too busy being so amazed at the fairy's actions. The fairy just looked at Sophia, grinning. "Thank you, dear." Sophia smiled at her reply, her eyes still widened by the amazing incident. Her eyebrows creased surprisingly. The amazing thing that happened made both of them forget why are they at the balcony.

"Should we go down and check on the prince? He really looks like he really needs some hospitality," Sophia, so anxious that it filled her stomach.

The fairy turned to look at Sophia, and without muttering a word, she nodded. "I'll go with you."

Being faster than light, they rushed down towards the foyer and to the entrance of the castle.

As they reached the small village, Sophia looked around only to see the prince being brought towards the castle gently.

"Lay him down, guards, I want to check on him." Sophia finally managed to even order the guards to lay the unconscious prince on the stone floor.

As the guards placed him down, Sophia walked towards the prince. She then reached out her hand and cupped his face, feeling the warm sensation of his face. Looking at his closed eyes, she could see that on her left, there is some blood dripping from his right eyebrow.

Touching the wound worriedly, she took a deep breath and let go. "If you can hear me and a bit conscious, please say your name..."

The prince opened his mouth slightly, as if he tries to even say a word. Still closing his eyes, he managed to utter his name.

"Nathan..." The prince uttered carefully.

"That's... a nice name. My name is Sophia, " Sophia whispered, smiling.

In reply, Nathan's frown slowly transformed to a smile. In addition, Nathan slowly opened his eyes. In Sophia's surprise, his eyes are green too. And that his smile was... enchantingly beautiful. Sophia turned red. His hair is black in color, so does his clothes. His skin is fair, his lips are fleshy. His hair is perfectly straight.

"Nathan, come to my castle, we can treat your eyebrow wound," Sophia spoke, changing the subject and the red from Sophia's cheeks faded away.

Nathan nodded, a faint, but so beautiful smile on his face. Sophia was about to signal the guards to carry Nathan until he spoke, "I can stand up, thank you." With that, he stood up, but he almost fell to the ground by his slight consciousness.

Guiding Nathan towards her castle, Sophia put her arm around his back, just to keep him from falling.

When they both, and the fairy who was disguised as an old hag, reached to the castle, the first step Nathan took, gave way and he fell down flat on the red carpet on his face.

"Being abandoned isn't so cool!" Nathan shouted, his voice muffled by the carpet.

When he said that, Sophia stared at him, filled with sadness and worry.

"We'll adopt you, Nathan..." Sophia's words trailed off.

Nathan managed to look at Sophia and smile, his tears falling to the carpet in both sadness and joy.

"Thank you."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2017 ⏰

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