In the beautiful story of Romeo and Juliet, it speaks of the jealous cousin of Juliet, Rosaline. Shakspeare tells the tale of her seeing her beloved in the dancing lights of the ballroom and saying, 'Oh Romeo!' He then throws her into a hateful rage against Juliet for being the perfect one. The one always held in the dark is the one with the most secrets. Although Rosaline was not the main character of the play, I feel as if she should have been. She had the guts to keep her secrets inside and yell and scream to her wall. My secrets are much like hers. I was the one who wore the smile in the school and was always cheerful because I didn't know how to make everyone happy, so I was 'happy' all the time. Tomorrow when you go to school, make sure to look for the smiling girl in the corner and this time think, Is she really happy? Or is she acting out her part in life because she doesn't know how too act normally?"
- Girl