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yep haha you thought i forgot bradford boy/ also video is the best thing in the world🤣🤣🤣


today was the day of my performance on SNL and i am terrified. what if no one likes the other songs, sign of the times was good but not great and like i said it was the best song on the album so the others ugh, kiwi harry you could only think of kiwis. whats the point of making a song about your favorite food in one direction we never made a song about chicken so why kiwi.

knock knock

"it's open" i yelled to the door. the door opened and all my nervous thoughts vanished. Louis. Melody. Freddie. "hay babys" i said picking up freddie putting him on my lap. "good luck pa-pa" freddie said snuggling further into my chest. "harry what are you wearing" louis laughed. pointing to my ________ outfit. "it's actually quite comfy to be honest" i said reaching out for melody. louis handed me the small 6 month old child. "ma-ma" i cooed at her calling me that. can't wait to grow my hair back out. "so what time does it start?" he asked playing with freddie. "11:30" i said grabbing the rattle i always keep with me. (don't ask). 

"oh so you have a couple hours then. wanna give out kiwi's and pizza?"i nodded


(louis' pov)

after giving away the food we went out to eat. we went to a pizza parlor not too far from were they shoot SNL. "would you guys mind warming up some milk?" i asked the waiter he nodded cooing at melodys laugh. "he seems nice" a familiar voice said. i looked behind me to see a sight i never wanted to see ever again...zayn.

"what the hell are you doing here" i said covering freddie's ears. "same reason your here i wanted to see my old band members...awe who's this little cutie" he said looking at melody. "that is my daughter and if you lay one hand on her i will rip you to shreds" i covered the carrier with the pastel pink blanket. "louis, listen for once in your god da-dang life" he tried not to curse in front of the kids. "well maybe i don't want to listen to you ever again mister i wanted to leave one direction from day on-" "i said listen to me or no one get's hurt" he yelled harshly grabbing freddie. "DADDY HELP, HELP MAKE HIM STOP HURTS!" the small boy yelped. my only reaction was to get up and beat him up, and thats what i did.

"DO YOU THINK YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO TOUCH MY SON!" i yelled at him. melody started to cry. "freddie take you and your sister to the restroom, NOW" his reaction was quick he the grabbed the carrier and went to the males restroom as fast as he could. "listen louis all you have to do is listen" he said in a more calm tone. "fine...i'm listening" i said more calm. "harry invited me so you can blame why i'm here on him plus he said to say...well he didn't ask me to say this...but so-sor-sorry" he stuttered "you know what i dont want to have a feud{a/n (;} anymore i'm sorry" i said he opened his arms for a hug and i excepted it. im not going to lie i miss the bradford hugs.


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