In the Beginning, The First Link

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What you must understand about this story is that this is a mixture between the reality and the imagination. It is all up to you to figure what is reality and what is imagination. Do not expect to ever truly know the difference, so take the following information as follows;

There were nine demons that lurked amongst the shadows of the world that we all live. It's almost funny how so many of us inhabit this place but so few of us truly know what exists around us. In the age of technology and shared information, it is easy to get lost in fact and lie. These nine demons held power unknown to humanity and beyond our recognition. They take form of animals, or mythical beasts. Now these are hard to identify because of their ability to shift appearance, name, and aura upon their own will. No human had ever tamed the beasts, and no one ever thought it possible. Do you know why people like violence? Well it is because they like it. If you take the fun out of it... The act becomes hollow. One man... A mere kid really, Garret... Garret Vermeesch. He took a peaceful path. One never routed by modern humans. Through pure knowledge he challenged the oldest of the nine demons. "The Demon With One Tie." Also known as the demon with a single tail. This demon acknowledged Garret, even though the single tailed being knew far more than the boy. The truth that Garret came to realize is that the being's name was Acean (a•keen) at the time it inhabited itself within him. Also, this being had a book that contained every fact in the known universe, which was why the beast knew more than Garret.
"What about the other eight beings?"
Garret spoke to the demon inside of him
"What about them?"
Acean said, his voice low and gruff. Almost hostile even though the demon's attitude was neutral
"What do they do? Where are they?"
Garret said, curiosity running his mouth.
"Well..." Acean said in response, "The truth is I do not associate myself with them, and they do not associate themselves with me. We stay out of each other's business and we do our best to stay away from humans."
The demons knew of man's hunger for power and knew that there was a lack of knowledge about them. So it was in that instance that one of the nine demons trusted a human for the first time in millions of years. Acean explained that while out of a host, the demon's do not age, only when they access a host do their bodies continue aging. Also, they were not born, but created. With this, the adventure of the demons and the humans who wished to cooperate with them began.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2017 ⏰

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