Chapter 14 final chapter

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Right so before we get this under way i just wanted to let you all know that this is the last chapter of Stolen i am going to try and complete a sequel to it i hope you like it and enjoy.☺

Amy was sitting on Sonic's lap, her head buried in the crook of his neck, sleeping peacefully. Sonic had one arm wrapped around her slim frame while his other hand gently stroked her pink quills away from her face. Her warm breath on his neck sent tingles down his spine, a smile threatened to spread across his muzzle. He had his eyes closed, relaxing in the shade of the trees. Him, Amy, Knuckles and Rouge had been traveling for a few days now, slowly making their way through the kingdom, hoping to escape to another. Sonic would have loved to just throw Amy in his arms and run, but with Knuckles and Rouge tagging along, he had to stay at their pace.

Sonic peeked an eye open when he felt a small bite on his neck, looking at Amy curiously as she giggled. She pulled away from his neck and smiled up at him, pecking his cheek. Sonic cradled her in his arms like a child, which she happily nestled herself into, sighing happily. Sonic noticed that she had started to itch her wrist again; right where the rose was. He gently took a hold of the hand she was using to itch her wrist and moved it aside. He grabbed her other one gently and raised it to his lips, gently kissing the black rose tattoo. Her fur was soft against his lips and tasted like strawberries, making his lips tingle.

Sonic left her wrist and trailed tender kisses up her arm, across her shoulder, up her neck, and to her lips. She tossed her arms behind his neck, pulling herself closer to him as he leaned in. Amy wrapped her legs around Sonic's waist, relishing in his touch as he pressed his hands against her middle back, pressing her even closer. They kissed one another hungrily, Sonic taking control. Still holding her against him with one hand, he turned he was holding both of them up with one hand, which was pressed against the grassy ground.

Amy's heart was pounding loudly inside her chest, her lungs starting to ache from the lack of oxygen, but she didn't stop kissing him back. Sonic must have heard her small pants between their lips and moved to her neck, kissing her skin passionately, yet caringly. She tugged and massaged Sonic's back quills, running her finger over the pointed edges.

A throat cleared.

Sonic didn't pull away from her neck, but released a small, aggravated growl at the interruption. Amy looked over at Knuckles and Rouge who were standing awkwardly before them.

"Get a room would ya?" Rouge joked, winking at Amy. Amy looked over the ivory bat and noted that her fur was ruffled and looked a little damp, her muzzle down to her neck was flushed, and she looked slightly out of breath.

"Looks like you had your fun without one." Amy noted with a wink back, making Rouge's eyes widen in shock and embarrassment, her flush turning a brighter shade of red than before.

"A-anyways, I think we should move on. We've been in this part of the woods longer than we should." Knuckles said, looking away from Amy's eyes.

"You're probably right—eek!" Amy squeaked when she felt Sonic's fangs bite down on her neck gently, startling her.

"This is a pretty isolated area, it took me a few years to actually find this place, and I've ran through these woods more than anyone. I think we would be safe for a few more days, but we can move on in the morning. It's nearly sunset anyways." Sonic said, finally pulling away from Amy's neck and sat back against the tree, keeping one arm around Amy's waist and the other went to rest behind his head.

"You're probably right, come one Knuckie, we have some business to finish." Rouge said, taking a hold of Knuckles' hand and winking up at him. He smirked back down at her and led her off into the bushes, the only sound was their fading footsteps as they gained distance from the hedgehog couple.

Amy watched them go with a smile on her face and then felt Sonic's tongue lick her cheek.

"We have some unfinished business too, ya know?" Sonic said with a smirk, sliding his arm under her knees and got to his feet, holding her bridal style. "How about we clean up before we settle down for the night?"

"Another bath?" Amy cocked an eyebrow. They had taken one that morning, and there wasn't a watering hole around that they could possibly get to unless Sonic ran at his highest speed.

And that's just what he did. He ran at full speed in a direction Amy didn't have time to check and the next thing she knew, they were beside the very pond they had been at the night before she had been taken back to her castle.

"Sonic, do you have something planned?" Amy asked, pressing her finger against his nose and then released it, letting it bounce up and down.

"Maybe I do, or maybe I don't." Sonic said smugly, setting her down on her feet. Before she knew it, he had both arms around her waist, tugging her up to meet his lips yet again. She tangled her fingers in his cyan quills, lifting her feet off the ground and tried to press her lips harder against his. They eventually had to pull away for breath. "But I do know one thing, that you aren't staying in that dress tonight."

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