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Jaebum's POV

I put my hands on my face too scared to think what Youngjae might say. I feel too frustrated. I don't know if I love him. All I know is that... I know that I want Youngjae to feel safe with me. I want Youngjae to give me that warm feeling again. The warm feeling I felt when he whispered in my ear, the warm feeling he gave me when he held onto my hand, I want the warm feeling he gave me when our lips were together. I just want to feel that again. All of it. I look over at my watch. It's 12:10. Shit I'm late. I don't bother bringing anything. I just want to see Youngjae.


3rd Person POV

Jaebum ran out of his room eager to see Youngjae. Nobody ever told Youngjae that Jaebum was coming to brunch so he never thought he would show up.

Jaebum was walking to the main ballroom with his heart jumping out of his chest. He wanted to tell Youngjae what his feelings were but he still didn't understand them.

Youngjae let out a big sigh. He didn't even touch his food. He wasn't even hungry but his stomach was starving.

"Youngjae..." Youngjae was brought back to reality "...please eat. The food is great." Mark said while pointing at Youngjae's food with his fork.

Youngjae gave a small chuckle but all the members knew it was forced. "Sure" Youngjae said trying not to disobey the eldest. Jaebum was who Youngjae wanted to see. Youngjae put a small amount of fruits in his mouth and it was true what Mark said. It tasted amazing but Youngjae didn't enjoy it.

Unknowingly Youngjae shed a tear. The members looked up and were all stunned. They could see that Youngjae was not happy. "Are you alright?" Jinyoung asked.

"Huh... uh yeah. Why?" Youngjae said clueless that he was crying.

"You're crying" Bambam answered.

"I am?" Youngjae reached for his cheek and he felt something stream down his face. He looked at his hand and it was wet. Before Youngjae knew it he was already breaking down. "What!?" Youngjae said confused.

The members all stopped eating. They could see the pain that Youngjae was holding back. Yugyeom got up from his seat and went up to Youngjae to hold him. All the members followed and held Youngjae in their arms.

Jaebum arrived with fast breathing. He had gotten lost still frustrated with his feelings.

"I want to see Jaebum." Jaebum heard all the crying and automatically knew it was Youngjae. He stepped closer but no body saw him yet. "...I love him. I Love Im Jaebum..." Youngjae continued to cry as he finally accepted his feelings.

The members held him tightly as he continued to break down. Jaebum also felt something wet fall from his cheek. He too began to cry.

All the members turned when they heard light sobbing and saw Jaebum. Jaebum at that moment knew his feelings. He understood what all these warm feelings were. Then Youngjae looked up and met the gaze of Jaebum. Jaebum stepped closer and Youngjae let out a small gasp. He wiped away his tears trying to look brave but once he wiped one away two came back.

The closer Jaebum got to Youngjae the weaker he felt. Jaebum finally reached Youngjae. The members backed away and stayed frozen. They were all holding each others hands waiting for what would happen next.

"Youngjae..." Jaebum said reaching out to wipe away Youngjae's tears. "...don't cry."

Youngjae stared into Jaebum's eyes and he could feel Jaebum's warm hands. Youngjae wanted nothing else than to be held in his arms.

"Jae-JAEBUM..." Youngjae tried holding himself from breaking even more but couldn't stop himself from his tears. Jaebum reached our for Youngjae and held him in close. Making sure that Youngjae felt safe in his hold.

"I love you." Jaebum said into Youngjae's ear. He could feel his warm breath brush against his ear. Youngjae pulled away from him and connected their foreheads. "Please...Jaebum, don't let me go."

Jaebum couldn't help it anymore and nor could Youngjae. They pulled each other into an emotional kiss. They could still feel the tears that had been brought. They couldn't let each other go. Once Youngjae pulled away Jaebum could feel the cold air on his lips and he felt empty again.

He held Youngjae in his arms longer not wanting to let go but when he was gonna pull away and kiss him again he found that Youngjae's eyes were closed. Youngjae fell to the floor. He had collapsed from all the emotion. He didn't open his eyes and the members started to step closer. Jaebum became worried. He picked up Youngjae from the floor and started walking him to his room. The members walked behind him and once they reached their floor Jackson went up to their shared room and opened the door. But Jaebum just passed him and took Youngjae to his room. He shut the door blindly and laid Youngjae on his bed gently. He covered him up and waited for Youngjae to open his eyes. He stayed with Youngjae all night awake not wanting to close his eyes until Youngjae opened his.

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