Chapter 3

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Prince: I'm mad that I didn't get any
Amya: I'm sorry but I'm off it today soo you know what that mean tho
Prince: Y.A.S BISH Y.A.S
Amya: you too crazy
Prince:but you love me tho
Amya: I really do (kisses him)
Prince:(kisses her back too)

Prod and Tay room 🌅

Prod: Bae wake up
Tay:no my legs
Prod: I give it to you good huh
Tay: shut up prod not funny I don't like you
Prod: but you was yelling DADDY GO FASTER DADDY
Tay: in your dreams
Prod:and when I eat you out you pushing my head back down to keep eat
Tay: (fake laughing) lies

Mel and Ray room

Mel: damn daddy you was too good last night
Ray: you mean every night
Mel: but we don't .... OHHH yasss every night
Ray: eat the cookie every night like damn

Jay and roc room

Jay: (smacks him)
Roc:(does moves)
Jay: Roc I need you to eat me out again
Roc:(jumps up real quick) okay

A while after that

Roc: (voicemail went on)
Jay: (listening to it)
Roc secret girl that roc goes out with: hey baby daddy call me later okay bye (voicemail)
Jay: what the hell going on (calls the girls)
Hey Yall meet at the breakfast bar okay just y'all (starts tearing up)
Them: okay


Amya: what's wrong jay
Jay: roc is my problem right now his phone went to voicemail and it said hey baby daddy call me later okay bye
Them: (looking shock)
Mel: he wouldn't do that to you
Jay: well he did don't tell him nothing okay in going to fly her out here and beat that ass okay or don't tell y'all boyfriend okay for me
Tay: we won't
Mel: in going to beat that ass of his
Jay: Mel please don't do it
Roc: (walks to were you are) hey Bae (trying to give you a kiss)
Jay: (walks away from roc)
Roc: what's her problem
Mel: your her problem (walks aways)
Roc: what I do to Mel and jay
Tay: you should know (walks away too)
Roc: and Tay ? Amya you mad at me too
Amya: I can't say why they mad but I'm a little mad took sorry roc
Roc: no I'm sorry for what ever I do okay
Amya: okay I guess see you later okay
Roc: okay
And share🎉
Sorry for any mistakes in this chapter 😛
Next chapter coming soon

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