Chapter 1

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The bell rang signalling lunch break, finally a break from these horrible numbers that clouded my mind. I picked up my new Prada bag that I treated myself to with dad's credit card, the girls are SO going to freak out! I made my way to the cafeteria spotting the girls immediately, Lucy was being her normal self, trying to flirt with Jake but we all know he's not interested.

'Hey guys' I called out

'Hey!' the girls said in unison

And the boys shrugged as usual.

'What have I missed?'

'Well... nothing much except from Jessica being Jessica' Sasha stated

'You mean her being a disgrace to all human kind' I confirmed

'Exactly , I mean have you seen what she's wearing, she looks like my granny, actually scrap that WORSE than my granny. You know the one without teeth?' We all started sniggering; GOD Sasha could crack me up sometimes.

As if on cue Jessica came into view, lonely as ever I can see. I gave the girls a knowing look and we all got up, it was show time.

'Hey Jess what's with the hairy legs!?' I shouted

The whole room could hear me now, public humiliation this should be fun as always.

'OMG guys! I mean not being able to DRESS yourself is one thing, but the legs I mean common what century do you live in, there is a reason why someone invented WAX or shaving sticks!!'

The crowd started to laugh at Sandy's remark; everyone started chanting HAIRY MONKEY until poor Jess left the room crying. And the best bit is no one went after her, what can I say a loner is always a loner. The bell rang indicating the end of our fun! DARN!! My next lesson was physics, I rolled my eyes in frustration and let out a silent grunt.                


It's been the longest 30 minutes of my life and I still have another half an hour, gosh life sucked.  A knock brought me out of my thoughts, it was Mrs Parkinson, I might be in trouble. I swear down if Jess opened her big mouth I would make sure....

'Please may I speak with Alexa?' the teacher gave a curt nod, I must have seemed slightly uncomfortable because she soon after replied with:

'You're not in trouble, now come on' I gathered up my stuff, and walked out of the classroom trailing behind Mrs P. At least my prayers were answered, no more physics for me. We entered her large office which contained only a desk, shelf and expresso machine no doubt to help with the stressful job that she has, I mean who can deal with a bunch of annoying teenagers every day, if it was me I'd have probably killed them all by now. She motioned for me to sit down on one of those black cheap spinney chairs, imagine how many pot heads have put their backsides on the chair, I mean no thanks! I preferred to stand and maintain my hygiene. She gave me an exasperated look before she plonked herself on her chair which looked way more comfier than the one opposite.

'You must be wondering why you're here Miss Waters'

'No not particularly... but thanks for pulling me out of class that teacher was droning on and on abou-'

She gave me a look which cut me off immediately,more like a death stare to be honest. She crossed her arms and leaned back on her chair, her dark hair cascaded over her face making it seem like she was trying to hide her expressions. She finally looked up; straight away I knew something was wrong.

'Your mum will be here shortly, she will explain everything in detail. Please wait here I need to take care of a few things'

'That's impossible mum is on a Spar holiday and-'

'Well I guess she cancelled' she got up abruptly, and disappeared out of the office probably trying to avoid my questions.

I pulled out my phone and tried to switch it on but failed, really? When I needed you the most phone! I dumped it back into my bag; this is why you shouldn't be watching celebrity gossip in class it runs down your battery. Great! I watched the clock tick by, slowly really slowly. My eyelids were closing until someone barged through the door startling me. I turned around to see my mother in a mess; mascara smudged her cheeks and her eyes red, now I was worried.

What the hell is happening? And could someone please explain!!



THANKS for reading!! If you guys enjoyed please vote and comment!!

I wonder what's going to happen in the next chapter.....

Stay tuned all will be revealed in chapter 2!!!


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