The Wedding of Her Dreams

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Now Sofia had just gotten engaged to her best friend and after a very passionate kiss, it left them both a little weak in the knees. 

Ryan regained his composure before asking "So, if you already know everything you want for our wedding, how much do I need to do?"

Sofia replied calmly "Plan the honeymoon and have a tux."

Ryan smiled "Do you mind if I use the one from Hallmark? Since I already have it?"

Sofia said "Well, I do always think you should wear that again. Yes I approve.  Now just plan our honeymoon and pick your best man and all that."

Ryan said "I already know who. Mike for my best bro. I will ask Rob, Logan and Will too."

Sofia said "Great. Do you mind if I ask your sister since I do not have one?"

Ryan said "No baby. You've become close to Kaitlyn in your friendship with me, so I think it is a great idea."

Sofia smiled and said "Okay. I am also going to ask Kirsten, Hayley and my friend Sasha."

Ryan kissed her cheek softly for a second "I love that you want to include the same people I would. I just need to make it work with my parents and their guests."

Sofia said "It is different when your parents are not a couple. Mine are still together after thirty five years."

Ryan held his soon to be wife and asked "So what do you want to do right now? Would you like to join me on a ride? Go to a movie? Go eat? Watch Star Wars? Have sex? Cuddle naked? Go explore?"

Sofia looked oddly at her man "You know my answer to the nude/sex questions. As for the rest of your suggestions, surprise me."

He wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed the side of her neck "Alright baby. Follow me then."

Sofia took the hand of her future husband and walked close behind him. He climbed on his Harley and handed her an extra helmet. First he rode to a nearby bar to get some chicken wings, then decided to ride further away and explore this trail they both loved.

Ryan grabbed his camera and took a bunch of cute photos of his Sofia. Making silly faces, blowing kisses, showing off part of her cleavage; she said "I love you handsome!"

He responded happily "I love you too gorgeous!"


The day of their wedding arrived with everything exactly to Sofia's plan, Ryan knocked on the dressing room door and asked "Are you ready to marry me today love?  I made sure everyone you wanted is here, everything is decorated perfectly, and I'm hoping your dress is just right."

Sofia smiled as she got her last minute preparations finished "I will see you soon baby!  I want to surprise you!"

He walked to his spot at the end of the Oceanside aisle and waited. 

Music began playing as Sofia was escorted to the end of the aisle. Her father walked her down to the man of her dreams while her mother sat watching. Meanwhile Ryan's parents, though with other people, still enjoyed watching their son get married. Feeling a little saddened by the event, but knowing he was marrying the woman of his dreams. Marrying his best friend.

Sofia was handed to her almost husband to become his wife and her father kissed her cheek. He took his seat next to her mother to watch the beautiful wedding between Sofia and Ryan.

The officiant said "Dearly beloved, we are gathered today to witness of this union between Ryan Jacob Paevey-Vlieger and Sofia Loren Williams. If anyone sees any reason these two not wed, speak now or forever hold your peace."

Sofia peered around the foot of the Golden Gate Bridge as did Ryan. No one spoke a single word. The couple held each other's hands as the breeze from the San Francisco Bay gently blew against their faces.

The officiant said "The couple have asked to write their own vows. Sofia we will start with you."

Sofia took her mans hand smiling "I have known you basically my whole life and I could not imagine marrying anyone else. You are my best friend and my soul mate. Every time you look into my eyes, I feel the deepest love possible. That day you made me the beaded bracelet for my 13th birthday was the best day of my life.  Until now, that is. I love you more and more every single moment I breathe. I vow to always make sure you know exactly how I feel about you, be the best wife I can, never lie cheat or hurt you.  You are the most amazing man I have ever known and I promise to spend every second of my life showing my appreciation to you."

Ryan took her hand smiling "Sofia, you are my best friend and soul mate. I spent so many years of my life denying that I needed you to be my special someone. The moment I finally realized I had to propose, was the happiest I have felt in so long. Now standing here today, starting my life as your husband I vow to let you know just how much I love you.  I promise to spend every moment I can making sure you know how special you are to me. I will never lie cheat or hurt you. I want to spend every moment of my life appreciating you with every breath in my body."

To Be Continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2017 ⏰

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