Alone with him

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School was dismissed. Gold and the others went home while Funneh and Alec went to Alec's house.

Funneh:Alec are you sure your mother and your sister is fine with this?

Alec:Yeah. I'm sure they're fine with it. They left me alone here soooo... I invited you over.

Funneh:Okay. I was kinda worried that your mom and your sister will... uhhh... think of something.... uh...

Alec:*chuckles* no they won't think that something will happened here.

Funneh:Are you sure?

Alec:What? Do you want something to happen here?

Funneh:N-no I d-don't!!! *blushes and looks away*

Alec:Haha, just kidding!

Funneh:Haha, very funny -.-

Alec:So what do you wanna do? Watch a movie or something else?

Funneh:Yeah sure let's watch a movie!

Alec:What kind of movie? Scary? Comedy? Romance?

Funneh:You can pick :3

Alec:Haha, okay then.

Alec picks a scary movie for Funneh 👻

Alec:Okay, I picked already. I'm sure you will enjoy it 😁

Funneh:Only me?? How about you?

Alec:I will enjoy it too! But not the movie hehe 😁

Funneh:What did you say??

Alec:I said we will both enjoy the movie.

Funneh:Hmm okay... Lets watch the movie!


Funneh and Alec starts the movie but when the scary part came out...

Funneh:Oh comeon! Alec you picked a scary movie!!

Alec:Yeah. I thought you said I can pick the movie?

Funneh:Yeah but this is sooo scary X_X

Alec:Haha, I'm sure you can handle it.

Funneh tries to be cool and handle the movie.

Funneh:I can handle this!!

Alec:Okay lets see. *blushes*

Funneh:Hey Alec, I'll just get some chips for us. Be right back!

Alec:Yeah okay sure.

Meanwhile when Funneh got the chips and going back


Funneh:*SCREAMS* ALEC!!!

Funneh jumps to Alec and Funneh accidentally kissed Alec


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