after that day...

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I walk home once again with Jacob, my heart starts to beat.... It's like 1:00 in the morning and I am tired and feel sick... We stop informer of his house... He grabs my arm and i look into his eyes and i realize it's not Jacob anymore.... ITS COUNT DRACULA FROM SESAME STREET!!!! I kick him in the nuts and run off to the star wars car next to westerburg high, and then I see barack obama sitting next to me eating 🍣... Then all of the sudden i see the joker start to hug a tree and yell "JD come down!" I look up and see Jason dean form heathers eating leafs... His body's a cat but the rat is homemaker!? I run to jacob and the. start to impel
him with a taco bell knife!!! Don't do drugs.....

My best friend (Jacob sartoruis) Where stories live. Discover now