Chapter Two

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Bright sun rays shined in on my face, as my eyes fluttered open slowly. As I lifted my head from the pillow, a sharp pain shot through my head. I uttered a groan, and rested my head on the pillow again.

My eyes scanned over my surroundings, and I immediately realized I wasn't in my bedroom. Shooting up from the bed, ignoring my head ache - I began to panic.

Three of the walls were a plain white shade, while the wall that the bed was against was a dark black shade. A poster of a half naked girl covered a part of the wall, and a window on the other wall. A few clothes and shoes were strung along the floor, and the familiar stench of boy filled my nose. I noticed I was wearing an oversized t-shirt that fell right above my knees.

Did someone undress me?

My eyes darted to a body shifting on the bed, causing the comforter to move. All I could see was a messy head of black hair, so I quietly walked to the other side of the bed to get a better look at who I was dealing with.

A gasp escaped my lips, as I realized it was one of the boys I had seen walking in the street last night. "Fuck." I whispered to myself. My memory was slowly coming back to me, as I remembered Jade and then attempting to fight off two boys. They had taken me. I felt tears well up in my eyes at the thought of what this man could do to me. Beat me. Rape me. Sell me.

Shaking off the thoughts, I collected myself and took a glance at the bedroom door. I tried my best to move as quickly, yet quietly, as possible against the wood floor.

"Going somewhere princess?"

I whipped my head around to see the black haired boy swinging his legs over the bed, and doing a small stretch while yawning.

He was really tall, much taller than me, and he too had piercing blue eyes. Just like Jade. I could definitely tell they were related. What kind of sick family shit was I brought into?

Without a second thought, I twisted the door knob, and decided to attempt to make a run for it. I scanned the area quickly, seeing the opening of a stair case to my left. I ran as fast as my legs would take me, practically flying down the stairs. I was now in an entry way area, the front door not far away at all. I was almost to the door, when I had suddenly smacked into another body, causing my body to fall back on the hard wood floor.

Holding my already aching head, I looked up to be met with a pair of hazel eyes. He extended a hand towards me, and I reluctantly took it, being pulled to my feet again.

"My bad, baby girl. Why are you in such a hurry?" A small chuckle left his pink lips, and I realized he was the other boy from last night.

"Well, I was attempting to get the hell out of here. The whole kidnapping thing is a real turn off." I snapped back, causing another laugh to sound from him. I admired how beautiful he was, as I made my way around him to continue my escape.

"Princess, I suggest you stop right there." The familiar voice of the man from the bedroom filled my ears. Princess? Baby girl? Who the hell did they think they were with these nicknames? "Turn around and face me when I call your name."

Raising my eyebrows, I turned around slowly to see him standing at the bottom of the stair case, an unreadable expression on his face. "Maybe I didn't turn around, because I'm not your damn princess."

The golden brown haired boy snorted while holding back a laugh, which caused the look on the asshole's face to switch to anger. He stormed across the entry way, and I felt myself being thrown against the front door. "Clearly someone needs to learn their role here." A hard slap to the face, sent me tumbling over into the entry way table. My hand found my cheek quickly, as I sat on my knees in shock.

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