In Dynoxys' Will

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" Dearest Namina
I Hate to inform you, but your Daughter, AmmaRhylys, has died. You've probably not heard, since you don't live in this community, and, as you know, news here on Xygarde doesn't usually spread outside of the community its from, so not every creature on Xygarde knows of communal issues. But it appears to be that your daughter was a cold blooded, heartless, viscous murderer, my two siblings being the victims. I truly do feel bad for you, but I might ask how did you raise her? Did you not notice the signs of her bloody tendencies? you could have taken her to an asylum? But instead you let her out into society?
Ah, never mind that, when we found her body, she was in my dwelling, I'd imagine to try and kill me, the third and oldest sibling, it appears she stabbed herself multiple times with what looked to be, a blade imprinted with writing from Dynoxys' scripts. There was a letter left, a suicide note, if you will. The maddening guilt and insanity that comes from killing not one, but two persons must have gotten to her. She wanted to let you know that she loved you, though. Let us grieve together in this letter, even if she was the one to cause me so much pain, with loosing my dear siblings, it must be tough for a mother to see her child go. I know if my mother was still here, she'd be heart broken. I send my deepest sincere apologies for the news, may you grieve well.
With uttermost Sincerity,
Eillies M Quartz "
Amma irritably sighed, scanning the crowd to find her companion, Destriy , who was surly past intoxicated at this point. Finding said partner, she rushed over to the bar, only to see Destriy in a drunken ball, trying to coax the bartender into slipping him another drink, despite the bartender's protests, he persisted on, waving a handful of various coins.
"Destriy, my lord! I leave you alone for a dam minute and you've gotten yourself plastered! Lets get outta here before you start puking" She placed a firm grip on his shoulder, he just shrugged her off, a smug look painted on his face " Jokes on you, I'll have you know I already threw up, Twice~" Amma's grip got even tighter as she moved her hands to sit under his arms, hoisting Destriy out of his seat, slowly starting to walk to the exit, Destriy's tipsy body leaning heavily against her frame.
"Heyyyyy! I was having funnnnn, I almost got that there 'bar boy to give me anotherrrr, you ruined all the funnn!" Slurring heavily, he whined as the two walked out, Amma Ignoring his childish complaints.
"I don't care if you were having fun, I care about your liver, and you're not getting alcohol poisoning, so please, let's continue walking without all the whining" She huffed, exasperated. By the time they were on their way to their shared home, it was dark, the sun far behind them now, the moon taking its place. It's starry children dancing in the sky, gracefully twinkling in the un- polluted sky. Living in such a quiet community had its privileges, it was always beautiful at night. Amma much enjoyed it, almost making the strain on her shoulders due to Destriy worth it, just to see the stars.
The walk was fairly pleasant, Destriy stopped whining, and instead began telling Amma about his day, she just snickered, nodding in response, acting as if she didn't spend the day with him unpacking their belongings. Suddenly, Destriy began squirming, he shook Amma's shoulder, escalating quickly to crazily jerking her arm. Snatching her arm back, she turned her head to look at him " Ammmmaaaaaaa! I have to peeeeeee!"
"Can't you wait till we get home? Its only like 10-ish more minutes!" Destriy shook his head franticly, his legs crossed and hands over his crotch to give an over dramatic flair. Out of patience with him for the night, Amma sighed, pointing over to the entrance to the forest "Fine, we'll walk over there, so you can do your business!" Nodding in agreement, he sped ahead, his walking more stable now, to a cluster of trees and bushes. " Alright, im going to walk for a while, now okay? Catch up to me when your done, understand?" "Okie dokie, bye nowwww~"
Exploring the new area, Amma made note to come back here, enjoying the comforting feeling she got within the trees, it was very secluded, and peaceful. The thick growth of various plants, and many different types of trees, some she's never seen before, as they weren't native to her home community, blocked all outside view, it seemed like a good place to relax, she decided. Walking silently along a path, that oddly enough seemed as if someone tried to cover it up, Amma began to zone out everything, just listening to the sounds the forest presented to her. Stopping dead in her tracks, Amma jumped slightly at what sounded like...muffled screaming?
Now following the screams, she intensely listened to keep from loosing her track. The heavy growth suddenly broke into an open clearing, shaped in an unnaturally perfect circle, the screams got louder here, this must have been their source. Scared, Amma scooted back into the protection of the plant over growth. After a minute of calming down, nervously she stuck her head out, peering into the opening. In the dead center, she spotted two figures, one being held down with what looked like metal restraints, candles encircling their body. the other figure holding a glass vile of an unknown substance, and a blade. The blade itself reflected the moon's illuminating light, allowing Amma was able to vaguely make out the ancient writing etched into the metal.
The threateningly cynical voice that could now be heard startled Amma, snapping her attention back to the second figure, before she could make out what the blade had embedded in it's surface. Now, the second figure was kneeling over the first, its hand out stretched out, firmly planted over the mouth of the first body.
"Quiet now, dear sister of mine, you know very well this was fated to happen.. It's only going to be worse if you struggle. If you stay still, the cut will be clean and precise, you know I have very good accuracy. But you see, if you were to, I don't know, struggle-" they paused for a moment, bringing the blade up to their sister's throat, pressing firmly, but not hard enough to break skin. "-The blade might slip~" They then drug the blade down to her sternum, leaving a faint red line in its wake. Bringing their face closer to their sisters, they smirked, a smug look riddled their features. " and we wouldn't want this to get messy, now would we?"
Bringing their hand up off her body, they eased back, sitting up with oddly perfect posture, straddling their sisters hips, to reduce movement. Taking the vial from earlier, they took a couple drops of the unknown substance inside, dousing the blade in it, letting the liquid seep into each and every groove. Looking down at their sibling, an almost somber tone in their eyes, as if they regretted this. Shaking it away, any somberness that was left got replaced with what Amma could only describe as a sadistic hunger. Hunger for something so intangible it seemed sick, how devoted they appeared to be. They placed the tip of the knife just below her ribcage, the liquid burning her skin, creating painful, bloody sores. " Any last words, sister dearest? I thought I'd be kind and let you get anything out of that tiny little head of yours~"
Tears rolled down her cheek, mixing with the soil below, creating small wet pools next to her head, her eyes wide, wordlessly begging for freedom. " Please, Eillies, it doesn't have to be like this! I promise, if you let me go, I wont tell anyone about what happened, and I'll never bother you again, I'll do anything! Please! Just don't kill me!" Eillies only stared at them, her gaze stoic, her voice colder than the countless dead bodies Amma was sure Eiliess has mutilated, sending chills raking through Amma's body. "Any promise you could possibly make wouldn't compare to the promise Dynoxys' graces me with, for the small price of you and, well, I can't tell you who else, that's for me, and me only to know sister dearest~"
Cutting the ear splitting sobs short, in one swift motion, Eillies plunged the metal blade into her sister, precisely slicing all the way down to her pelvic bone, bringing the blade back up after the initial stab, as to not harm the precious, and very delicate organs below the surface of her now opened skin. Her sister could no longer speak, the pain blocking out any other signals from her brain, except agony, instead, her mouth gaped open in a silent scream, her face contorting in such pain, such shock, it made Amma's arms buckle under her, silently gagging, resisting the urge to wretch up all contents of her well overturned stomach, as to not be caught.
Gaining control again, she noted that, upon further inspection, Eillies' sister didn't bleed, her wound seemed almost cauterized. Amma assumed this was because of the strange liquid, guessing due to the previous effects it had on her skin. The only visible blood stained the blade, to which Eillies patted it clean with a small rag, tattered and torn from years of use, its once white color now stained pink, from the countless victims it's seen. She then moved back to her sister, in an almost sympathetic manor, she took the rag, making sure to use the clean side to avoid smearing blood, and wipped away the tears streaming from her sister's eyes, kissing her cheek lightly. "Sister dearest, it's not as bad as it seems. Before you know it, this will all be over, don't worry~"
Not being able to take the sight before her, anymore, Amma silently, or at least she thought, turned, frantically crawling away. Away from the clearing, away from the hellish nightmare she witnessed. Once she thought the coast was safe, Amma got onto her feet and sprinted, she didn't know where she was going, blindly running the paths, narrowly missing branches that hung low, as if they bore the weight of the sinister acts committed in their deepest crevices.
Suddenly, Amma hit a solid figure full force, head ringing from the impact, she fell back with a thud. Trembling, Amma braced herself for the worst, expecting another murderer, or worse. Eillies. Looking up, half prepared to be gutted, a small surprised croak was all she could muster from her dry throat, and parched lips, when she saw it was not her death staring her down, but a very confused, and concerned looking Destriy .
"Owwww- wait, are you crying? I didn't mean to bump into you, Amz, I was just looking for yo-" Destriy was cut short as Amma launched herself onto him, in a forceful hug, all of the emotions she kept locked up, watching Eillies so cruly murder her own sister, came out in low, wailing sobs, her body shaking from the waves of emotional distress output by her brain. Destriy , a bit dazed, soothingly patted her back, not knowing what else to do.
This continued till she was calm enough to walk again. Not wanting to talk about the horrific incident, Amma quietly muttered " I don't wanna explain anything, let's just get home." Defeated before he could even ask, Destriy shrugged and walked besides her, seeming to have sobered up enough to understand she was serious. The walk home was silent, but neither party cared too much about the lack of words. It was almost comforting to Amma, just knowing that she could walk with her best friend, not needing to re live the traumatic experience again via nosy demands.
Arriving home, Amma ran straight to her room. Collapsing on her bed, she wept, the events in the forest haunted her, she couldn't get her mind to get off the image if she wanted to, it was if Eillies had left a tumor in Amma's brain, slowly consuming all of her consciousness till she could perfectly imagine every detail even down to the freckles on the unnamed sister's face. She could vividly remember Eillies' Satyr- like legs, and her oddly alluring crystal growths, two traits unmistakably belonging to a Crystyria. It was almost a shame, that such beautiful crystals, and such a high status in society was wasted and denounced on such a horridly psychotic, not to mention sadistic, and cruel person. It almost made Amma pity her, but the thought vanished as soon as it came.
Burying herself under the covers, she shut off her lamp, and tried to go to sleep. About an hour had passed of tossing and turning when Amma felt a sudden chill down her spine. It sent paralyzing shivers all throughout her body. Amma thought she could feel a cold gaze eyeing her, piercing her skin, and chilling her to the bone. Looking over at her window, the feeling disappeared, shrugging it off as paranoia, Amma pulled the covers over her head, and fell into a stress induced slumber.
The next day went by in a haze. Amma couldn't focus. She couldn't get the image out of her head, the brutal scene haunted her head, playing over and over till she couldn't stand it anymore. After long consideration, Amma decided that she would go back into the forest tonight, and if the clearing was still there, and if Eillies, herself, was there, she was going to get authorities, and have that murderer locked up, so she may not harm anyone anymore.
It was roughly midnight when Amma willed herself to go back into the dreaded forest. This was the only way I'm going to get closure she told herself over and over, to keep her from going back. Stepping foot into the forest, Amma almost threw up on the spot, the horrific scene flooding back, if I don't do something she's going to continue killing people! Shaking her head, Amma ran, trying to find her way back into the clearing.
Amma wondered for about an hour before she found the accursed death circle. Shakily, she walked into the clearing, the atmosphere here was uncomfortably still, it made Amma weary. Looking around, she could see the cooled wax drippings from the candles on the ground, she could see the imprint Eillies' sister's body made in the dirt. Uneasily, she reached for her communication orb, ready to call the authorities, when she felt the ice cold gaze again, burning holes into her back, she shivered once again. Before she got the chance to look around, Amma crumpled to the ground, pain exploded in the back of her head, causing small spasms in her body, then darkness.
"Wake up sleepyhead, you've almost been out for an entire day~" The painfully familiar voice shook Amma from her coma- like sleep, induced by what she imagined was a pretty bad blow to the head. She was blindfolded, she couldn't see what was going on around her, but she knew it was Eillies, Amma could tell that haunting voice apart from anyone else. Amma could feel she was chained up, every time she moved, the cold metal clasps dug into her skin painfully.
" I know you were watching-" Eillies stated ,any and all emotion exept toxicity drained from her tone. "I also know your plans to tattle ,Unfortunatly for you, I put you to sleep before you could witness the second show~" Eillies moved around her " work area" with ease, a graceful, almost dance like undertone to her steps. " Did you honestly think I'm dumb enough to have not noticed you?" Eillies firmly planted a hand on Amma's shoulder, her vice-like grip sent pain shooting though her arm and upper body.
" I'm a bit offended to say the least, that you doubted my awareness. I guess I'll just have to wipe your pathetic, small, non-functional scum brain off this pathetic planet. I sure hope Dynoxys won't be too offended if I offer her Virbria scum, like yourself, because to be quite frank, I think you'd be the perfect final sacrifice."
"W-what are you going to do to me?" Fearing for her life, Amma tensed at her words, not knowing what she meant made the anticipation unbearable. Moving her other hand to grasp Amma's chin, Eillies chucked, amused by her question. " Well you see, if I could do what I wanted to do, I'd gladly rip those ugly horns right out of your skull~ Ooh, or perhaps, maybe even gouge out that swell lil' third eye of yours!" Eillies squished Amma's cheeks in her hand, shaking her head lightly back & fourth, in a condescending manner. Treating Amma as if she were a helpless baby.
" Unfortunately, I have to make this look like you killed yourself, so I can't do any of that-" She sighed, disappointment laced thick in her speech "- so things are going to have to be kept simple, not to mention messy~"
Tears welled up at the corners of Amma's eyes, spilling over her bottom lid,  running profusely down her cheeks. This isn't how she wanted to die, a forgotten face, casualty of a psychopath. Shaking violently, she dug the cuffs further into her skin, the pain dull, masked by her hysteria.
"Don't be sad, you're the one who brought this onto yourself dear, you thought you could be a big hero, a somebody! Let me break it to you: In the end, you're still nothing but the scum under my feet! Virbria all deserve to die! There's a reason your species is at the bottom~"
Feeling the cold, sharpened tip of a knife in her lower abdomen, Amma shuddered, her mind going blank. There was no reason to struggle anymore, to fight. She was as good as dead at this point.
"I guess you're finally good for one thing in your entire pathetic life. You're going to help me achieve total divinity. Your sacrifice to Dynoxys is much appreciated, although I would have preferred someone more socially inclined than you, I guess whatever works, the ritual will be complete either way. "
Not letting amma say anything. Eillies thrust the blade deep into Amma's body, twisting it inside her, before pulling out, and continuing the violent process multiple times. Amma gargled, choking on blood, the thick, copper tasting substance filled up her mouth, preventing most, if not all breathing. After the final stab, Eillies unhooked the restraints, her body falling to the floor, plunging the knife further into her intestines. Fighting unconsciousness, Amma could barely make out the distressed voice of Eillies, hysterically crying into her communication orb. " Someone please help! There's a dead body in my house! I can't identify who it is, all I know is it's a Virbria, it looks like a suicide! I found a note with the body! How? I think they stabbed themsel-"
She was no longer listening, she couldn't. As she took her last, strangled breath, suffocating on her own blood, Amma hoped someone would figure out the truth about Eillies, and her sick, sick ways. She didn't want anyone else to die, she wanted to be the last, even if it meant she had to die for someone to realize she was a murderer. Eillies was right, Amma let nothingness consume her, a bloody smile on her face, thinking she had finally gained a purpose in life.
" AmmaRhylys D'Arinia: Virbria Found Dead, Guilty Of Murder OF Aria And My'na Quartz; Attempted Homicide Of Eillies M. Quartz "

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2017 ⏰

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