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A/n: this is what carmen looks like ^^^

"Get up you peice of shit!" I scream as i feel a foot slam into my right side, making me fall over. The main 'monster' as i call them squats down so he's eye level and smirks.

"No one can help you now. Not unless that big brother of yours actually cares enough to come home. Ha! What am i thinking he wont" he taunts. Pulling me back up with him, he throws one last punch at me and leaves me on the dirty ground, covered in tears, blood and loneliness.

After about 20 minutes of crying, i find enough courage to try and stand up. Key word: try. Im barely able to move but I manage. I sigh, remembering that 1. My house is like 2 miles away 2. There is no use going home cause it'll just get even worse.

Just really wanting to sleep i start my long ass walk home. About half a mile in it starts to rain, as well as my eyes. I drop to the ground sobbing.

Why is my life like this? Why does everyone hate me? What did i do? Why am i still alive? Ughh im a mess! I have tried so hard to not let anything get to me but recently ive just given up cause nobody will care if im gone. Maybe I should just end it tonight, yeah, i will finally live in peace.

I cant call anyone cause i have no friends, my family hates me, apart from Harry and Lauren and Ashton is on tour. Still crying i limp my way home, soaked from the rain.

I get to my house gate an hour later and Indie started barking her head off. I greeted her as i walked up to the door, but something stopped me, something so familiar yet so strange.

There was laughter. Strange. Yet, there was that one familiar laugh-giggle. Strange.

I took a deep breath and opened the door. Locking it and walking down the hall into the living room, something made me hault. Someone, for the matter.


kicking and screaming// 5sosWhere stories live. Discover now