Chapter 1: Homecoming

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Chapter 1:

It’s been one year and a half since I’ve been back to my town. After I left to become a superstar, I never really looked back. But now here I am in my car on my way back to my hometown to finish my senior year. My dad and I had a talk about me coming back. I haven't spoken to him until since the accident that happened before I left. I didn’t want to go back at first but I need to stay away from the paps for a while I guess, I just need to move on.

2 Days Ago

“Ashton that was great, you can take 5” my manager pat me on the back. My phone started ringing, I see the caller ID and I cringe, it’s my dad, he hasn’t talked to me since I left. I slide the screen to answer, “Hello” I say with steady words.

“Ashton?” he says with relief. My heart was beating out of my chest, I don’t know why I was this nervous to talk to my dad.

“Umm dad, you called me?”

He takes a steady breath and sighs, “Yes I did, and I needed to ask you something important”

“Yeah sure give me a second” I walk towards my dressing room and shut the door behind me a take a seat on the couch. “You were going to ask me something?” I say looking at the ground. On the other line I hear him clear his throat.

“Uh yes, I was just going to ask you if it would be ok if you could… well come back, you mother and I would love to see you and if you could also finish your senior year here.” My eyes widen, they wanted me to come back? After all this time, they call me now? I wanted to leave my old life behind because of what I did. But maybe I could just forget about that and be with my family, I did miss them even if I didn’t want to admit it.

“Sure dad that would be great” I say. My manager walks and signals 1 minute until I have to get back out there.

“Oh Really? That would be fantastic, well you have a week until school starts so get here as soon as you can and you can settle back in.” he says with enthusiasm in his voice.

“Yeah ok I’ll pack up later, hey dad I have to go.” I stand up from the couch and talk to my dressing table.

“Yeah sure, ok well I’ll see you soon then… and Ashton, thank you” and he hung up. Why would he want me to come back after what I put myself into, after all the hell I put my dad into… I forget the thoughts coming to my head and put the phone away and walk out and see my manager outside my room. “Hey Ashton, you need to go on now, this will be the last song then the tour is finished.” I nod and just follow his instructions and grab the microphone. I need to forget this, I need to stop thinking about what I had done and what that put my family though, I just hope that they can forgive me and forget.



OK i'm so excited for this story. I KNOW i'm really sorry if it is short but there will be more!! And also please read my other story it's called The New Kid :) Thank you so much for reading this story and i will update very soon :)




Stay Awesome Gotham

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