Chapter 3: Movies, Fun and Books

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Chapter 3:

It's all my fault was all I could think. I was so angry with myself. She lost her memory because of me. I hit a nearby tree over and over again until my hands felt numb. It's all my fault over and over again in my head. I wanted to help her to just protect her, it felt like the right thing to do because this was all my fault. After Jackson told me she lost her memory I was completely silent, after a while guilt took over. I hung up the phone and just sat there processing what he just told me. At first I thought it wasn't real but reality sunk in then I realized it happened. She forget everything. You're going to help her with this I thought. I wanted to help her, hell I needed to help her. She just needed to get her memory back then I could be out of her life.

I went back home and talked to Jackson about what I was going to do tomorrow at school. I knew I needed to do this for her and for me to push past this because I knew that I could never forgive myself for something this big. Jackson called,

"Hey so what are you going to do?"

"Well your girlfriend is friends with her so I was thinking at lunch tomorrow that four of us could, I don't know sit together" I rubbed the back of my head.

"Yeah that's actually a good idea. So what are you going to do just hang out with her, become her friend and when she possibly gets her memory back you just leave?"

"She'll hate me" I whispered, "When she does get her memory back she'll hate me because she will know that it was me."

"Ashton, you don't even know if she will get her memory. Just think about what will happen if she doesn't get it back what will you do then? Still leave?" There was a long pause.

"Yeah I guess so." I looked down

"I'm going to let you decide on this. I'm not forcing you out of it."

"Thank you. Hey I'm turning in early, I'll see you tomorrow." Then I hung up. My mind was racing about what I should do about Marley. What would happen if she did get her memory back? Or what would happen if she didn't? It was all a lot to take in for today. I jumped on my bed and went off to sleep.



Ok so I didn't get much sleep last night. I was just thinking about, well you know. I go to get ready for school which was possibly going to be the hardest thing to do to see her face and actually talk to her normally without telling her that I am responsible for about her losing her memory because I flipped her car. I went and took a shower and relaxed when the warm water hit my skin. I went to my closet and put on a white tank top with black jeans and black leather jacket with my black and white supra shoes on. I grabbed my keys and bag then went downstairs. I saw my dad at the stove making some breakfast cooking some bacon and egg. I saw mum at the table looking the same as before, still pale and skinny. I walked over and kissed her on the head then got some breakfast. I told them that I needed to pick up Jackson so I then felt. I drove to off to Jackson's house and we then went to school. Same as yesterday people were watching us, so typical. We got to our first homeroom just in time then headed off to my first math class. I sat down at the back of the class room and waited for the teacher to come in. I was grabbing my things out then the teacher walked in. "Morning class. I'm Mr Johnson. Please take a seat and get out what you need. And please no talking" he started to write algebra equations on the board. "Umm sorry can I sit here?" I looked up and holy shit. It had to be Marley. "Yeah sure." She sat down and we didn't talk after that. I glanced at her from the corner of my eye a few times she was concentrated on the work on the board she tucked some hair behind her ear but the curls fell so it blocked her face so I couldn't see her. When the bell went I quickly grabbed me things and raced out of the classroom. Well it looks like I sit next to her in math, great. The next few subjects was like a blur. The bell went for lunch and I walked to my locker and put my things away. I grabbed an apple and made my way outside to the courtyard. I saw Jackson and his girlfriend over by the grass sitting down talking. I made my way over to them and sat down. "Hey man" Jackson said. "Julia I want you to meet-" she cut him off.

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